Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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miles west <strong>of</strong> Terre Haute, [nd. \. Y. C. & St. L.; C. C. C. & St !<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>CASEY REPORTER: Established 1932. J. M. Brown, ownerand Editor.Casey, population, 2200. Located in Clark County, 3 5 milessouthwest <strong>of</strong> Terre Haute. Intersection <strong>of</strong> Routes 49 and U. S. 40.\\". R. C; P. R.R.'s. Broom factory. Oilfields. Agriculture.The Reporter is published weekly, on Thursday. It is Republicanin political affiliation.Circulation, 8 5 0-Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 30c.Subcription rate: local, $1.00.J.M. Bko» sCHARLESTON DAILY NEWS: Established 1S92 by J K.Rardin. Claude S. Rardin, owner and publisher.Charleston, population, 8,012. Located in Coles County, 43R.R.'s. Shoe, broom and paint factories; railroad machines shops.Eastern <strong>Illinois</strong> State Teachers' College. Agriculture. Corn, wheatand broom-corn.The Daily News has been in <strong>the</strong> Rardin family from <strong>the</strong> time<strong>of</strong> its establishment until <strong>the</strong> present day. The News is publishedevery morning with <strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong> Sunday. Ii is IndependentDemocratic in political affiliation.Advertising rate: local, 2 5c; foreign, 3 5c.Subscription rate: local, 10c per week; foreign, $3.50.FULTON JOURNAL: Established 18 54 by Judges James McCoy .m,\ Fred Phelps.Charles L. Wilcox, editor and manager, and secretary-treasurer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pulton JournalPublishing Company, Inc., owner.Fulton, population, 265 3. Located in Whiteside County on <strong>the</strong> Lincoln Highw.nand <strong>the</strong> Mississippi River, 2 miles above Clinton, Iowa. C. B. & Q.;C. M. St. P. & Pac; C. & N. \\". R.R.'s. Bridge to Lyons and Clinton,Iowa. Ships agricultural produce. Manufactures novelties. Agriculture.Previous to 1880 <strong>the</strong> Journal was owned by A. McFadden. G. A.Leighton, G. J. Booth, and B. C. Galliday, G. J. Booth and Son.George Terwilliger, W. C. Snyder, Thomas J. Pickett, J. C. Snyder,and W. R. Cobb. In 18 80 <strong>the</strong> Sterling Gazette Company purchased<strong>the</strong> Journal, selling to Fred K. Bastian in 1881. The same year, Mr.Bastian sold a half interest to his bro<strong>the</strong>r, A. W. Bastian, who purchased<strong>the</strong> remaining interest in 1898, continuing as sole owner until1923, when he sold to Malcomb McKinnon. McKinnon next sold toA. Bentley, R. F. Bastian, and C. L. Wilcox who operated under a partnership agreementuntil 1929 when Bastian sold out and <strong>the</strong> business was incorporated under <strong>the</strong> name FultonJournal Publishing Company.Circulation, 800.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00.529

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