Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> \'i a\ si>.\i>lk Directory and HisiokiBLUE ISLAND SUBURBAN STAR: Established 1922 by John H. Volp, HomerB. Clemmons and Myron S. Jones. Owned by <strong>the</strong> Associated Suburban Publishers, Inc.,John H. Volp, president .ind general manager; Homer B. Clemmons, treasurer; HaroldC. Volp, vice-president; Joseph W. Lemtz, secretary; Hill Lakin, editor, Blue Island edition;Wesley A. Volp, editor, Ridge edition.Blue Island, population I6,0S9. Located in Cook County on <strong>the</strong> Calumet River, 16miles south <strong>of</strong> Chicago. C. R. I. & P.; C. M. St. P. & Pac; I. C; B. & O. C. T. R.R.'s.Pickle factory; wire mill; railroad yards; brick yards; cooperage works; car, iron, steel andspecialty works. Agriculture. Residential suburb <strong>of</strong> Chicago.The first paper founded in Blue Island was <strong>the</strong> Herald, established in 1873. Thislasted only four years, <strong>the</strong> remains <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> plant being purchased by S. F. Wuest, whosucceeded in printing <strong>the</strong> paper for a few years under <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Standard. EugeneM. Pope was <strong>the</strong> publisher for several years, selling in 1887 to S. C. Reed. HowardHamilton and John H. Volp bought <strong>the</strong> Standard in 1888, Hamilton soon selling hisinterest to Wade Errett. The firm <strong>of</strong> Errett and Volp continued only little more thanone year, when Volp sold his interest to his partner and established a rival <strong>newspaper</strong>,which he named <strong>the</strong> Blue Island Sun. He continued this publication successfully until1918 when <strong>the</strong> older paper, <strong>the</strong> Standard, which in <strong>the</strong> meantime had been purchased bvRoy Phillips, was consolidated with <strong>the</strong> Sun under <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Blue Island Sun-Standard. At <strong>the</strong> same time <strong>the</strong> business was incorporated under <strong>the</strong> name BlueIsland Publishing Corporation with John H. Volp as president. In 1920 <strong>the</strong> corporationmoved to its present quarters at 2348-50 West Vermont St. Phillips retired from <strong>the</strong>corporation but retained his interest in <strong>the</strong> consolidated paper. This interest was laterbought by Myron S. Jones and Homer B. Clemmons. At this time <strong>the</strong> corporation alsopublished ano<strong>the</strong>r Chicago suburban paper called <strong>the</strong> Suburban Star. In August, 1930,<strong>the</strong>se two papers were merged under <strong>the</strong> <strong>newspaper</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Suburban Star. The combinedpaper is printed every Friday by <strong>the</strong> Associated Suburban Publishers, Inc., at <strong>the</strong> plant<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Blue Island Publishing Corporation. Two editions are printed, both carrying <strong>the</strong>same advertising—display, classified and reader. One edition serves Blue Island and surroundingterritory, while <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r circulates in <strong>the</strong> Morgan Park, Beverly Hills, WashingtonHeights, Mount Greenwood, Oak Lawn and Evergreen Park sections. The SuburbanStar is Independent in its political affiliation.Subscription rate: local, SI. 50; foreign, $2.50.Advertising rate: local, 85c; foreign, 95c. Circulation, 6000.507

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