Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>VERMONT UNION: Established 1871. C. Rodney Boynton, owner, editor, andblisher.Vermont, population, 948. Situated in Fulton County, 56 miles southwest <strong>of</strong>Peoria. C. B. & Q. R.R. Flour mills. Agriculture and extensivelivestock raising. Small fruit raising.The Vermont Union has been owned at various times byClarence Mercer, E. P. Moore, E. P. and George L. Durell, and JRoss Arnold. The present owner has been with <strong>the</strong> paper sinceAugust, 1928. The Union is a semi-weekly publication, issued everyMonday and Thursday. It is Republican in its political affiliationCirculation, 865.Advertising rate: local, 15c; foreign, 25c, less agency discount15', and 2', .'< . Rudm\ Boynton Subscription rale: local, si. 50; foreign, $1.50.WASHBURN LEADER: Established 1890 by Rowley & Crane. Roy E. Patterson,owner, editor, and publisher until his death. Mrs. Patterson nowpublisher.Washburn, population, 862. Situated in Woodford County, 27miles nor<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong> Peoria. C. & A. R.R. Planing mills. Agriculture.The Leader is published every Thursday, and is Independent inpolitical affiliation. The founders, Rowley & Crane, sold to J. H.Scnultze, who in turn sold to George H. Wineteer. Mr. Pattersonpurchased <strong>the</strong> Leader from him in 1905.Circulation, 875.Advertising rate: local, 2 5c; foreign, 2 5c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00 (plus postage). Roi 1. Patterson(Deceased)R. A.WOODSTOCK JOURNAL: Established 1929 by A. E. Johnson, Wilfred WiPratt, George Lemmers, and Harold W. Schmidt. Harold W. Schmidt general•k*Harold W. Schmidtmanager. Owned by <strong>the</strong> Woodstock Evening Journal, Inc. A. E.Johnson, president.Woodstock, population, 5466. Situated in McHenry County,5 1 miles northwest <strong>of</strong> Chicago. C. & N. W. R.R. Feed mills;foundry and machine shops; disappearing bed and typewriter factories.Pickle works. Creamery. Todd Seminary. Agriculture.The Woodstock Journal is a weekly publication, issued everyThursday. It is Independent in political affiliation.Circulation, 1800.Advertising rate: local, 2 5c; foreign, 40c.Subscription rate: local, $1.50; foreign, $2.00.491

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