Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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i i<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>TOLUCA STAR-HERALD: Established 1893 by George W. Bonham. John T.Carroll and Carl W. Diehl, editors and owners since 1926.Toluca, population, 1413. Located in Marshall County, 22 miles south <strong>of</strong> LaSalle.A. T. & S. F. R.R. Agriculture.The Star-Herald is a weekly publication, issued every Friday. It is Independent inpoliticalaffiliation.Circulation, 1100.Advertising rate: local, 30c; foreign, 30c.Subscription rate: local, 2 0c; foreign, 2 5c and 3 0c.WAUCONDA LEADER: Established 18 94 by F. L. Carr. Walter W. Banks,owner and editor.Wauconda, population, 5 5 4. Situated in Lake County, 42 miles northwest <strong>of</strong> Chicago.Nearest Railroad station, Lake Zurich. E. J. & E.; C. P. & W. R.R.'s. Tiltfactory,bottling works. Summer resort. Dairying.The Wauconda Leader is a weekly paper, appearing every Thursday. It is Democraticin political affiliation. J. P. Blanck and P. E. Schlottman, are among <strong>the</strong> formerowners <strong>of</strong> this paper.Circulation, 475.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 25 and 30c.Subscription rate: local, SI. 75; foreign, $1.75.WENONA INDEX: Established 186 5. N. F. Purcell, ownereditor.Wenona, population, 1005. Located in Marshall County, 20;s south <strong>of</strong> LaSalle. I. C; C. & A. R R.'s. Manufactures huntingclot hing, porch and lawn swings and printing <strong>press</strong> perforators. Coalmin e. Horse importing and breeding.The Index is published on Thursdays, and is Republican polity.Otis Montgomery was a previous owner.Circulation, 1480.Advertising rate: local, 30c.N. F. lYm iSubscription rate: local, $2.00.TABLE GROVE HERALD: Established 1889 by Bert Oakm.inowner and editor since February, 1933.\V. C. Foster.Table Grove, population 46 3. Located in Fulton County, 40miles south <strong>of</strong> Galesburg. C. B. & Q. R.R. Agriculture.F. M. Bonham succeeded <strong>the</strong> founder <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Herald as publisherand successfully conducted <strong>the</strong> paper for many years. O<strong>the</strong>r ownersfollowing him included H. L. Dyer, E. Robinson, Ross Arnold, B.Reihbach, and J.M. Hedrick. The Herald is a weekly paper publishedon Thursday, and is politically Independent.Circulation, 5 40.Advertising rates: local, 20c; foreign, 2 5c.Subscription rates: local, $1.5 0; foreign, $1.50.487

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