Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>PLEASANT HILL MESSENGER: Established 1904. L. L. Weir, owner and editor.Pleasant Hill, population, 700. Located in Pike County, 4 5 miles sou<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong>Quincy. C. & A. R.R. Agriculture.The Messenger is published weekly, on Thursday. Democratic politically. Formerowners were Charles Barnes, Clyde Weidner, Frank Guthrie, Truman Dinsmore, ClemBattershall. J. D. Rowe.Circulation, 750.Advertising rate: local, 15c; foreign, 20c.Subscription rate: local, $1.5 0; foreign, $1.5 0.RUSHVILLE, SCHUYLER NEWS: Established 193 3 by Chas. H. Thompson an 1J. R. Work. Chas. H. Thompson, editor and publisher.Rushville, population, 2,388. Located in Schuyler County, 64 miles southwest <strong>of</strong>Peoria. C. B. & Q. R.R. Automobile tool factory, hatchery. Coal mines. Agriculture.The Schuyler News is published every Wednesday and is Republican in politics.Circulation, 1000.Advertising rate: local, 15c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, $1.00; foreign, $1.50.ST. FRANCE3VILLE TIMES: Established 190S. Haskell W. H.iSt. Francesville, population, 1202. Located in Lawrence County,10 miles southwest <strong>of</strong> Vincennes, Indiana. C. C. C. & St. L. R.R.Elevators, planing mill, cannery. Pearl fisheries. Oil wells. Agriculture.The Times is published on Thursdays, and is politically Ind>pendent. Former own?rs were A. P. Spencer, John W. Prout and H.Brownfield Scott.Circulation, 900.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, $1.00.SIGEL REVIEW: Established 1880 by Herman Scherbarth. L. C. Siemer, editorand business manager. Owned by Siemer and Son.Sigel, population, 292. Located in Shelby County, 18 milessouth southwest <strong>of</strong> Mattoon. I. C. R.R. Gbve factory; nurseries.Agriculture, fruit.The Review is published every Thursday, and is Independentin political affiliation. Former owners have included Mr. Blakely,P. C. Trager, Lydia Trager, and John Brewer.Circulation, 648.Advertising rate: local, 15c; foreign, 20c.Subscription rate: local, $1.2 5; foreign, $2.00.482

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