Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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[jllinois Newspaper Directory and HimoioCHRISTOPHER PROGRESS: Established 1907 by Walter W. Sims. O. H.Lewis, editor. Lewis Bro<strong>the</strong>rs Publishing Company, owner.Christopher, population, 3947. Located in Franklin County,38 miles south <strong>of</strong> Centralia. 1. C; C. B. & Q. R.R.'s. Coal mines.Agriculture.The Progress is issued every Thursday, and is Democratic inpolitical affiliation. Editor Lewis holds an exceptional record in <strong>the</strong>line <strong>of</strong> holding public <strong>of</strong>fice, having served as Mayor for ten consecutiveyears.Circulation, 1800.Advertising rate: local, 2 5c; foreign, 30c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, S2.50.CISSNA PARK NEWS: Established 1906. Ralph E. Caldwell, editor and publisher.Owned by <strong>the</strong> Commercial Association, Cissna Park.Cissna Park, population. 576. Situated in Iroquois Counts, 38miles south <strong>of</strong> Kankakee. C. & E. 1. R.R. Agriculture, dairy farmingand poultry raising.The earliest publication in Cissna Park prior to <strong>the</strong> establishment<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> News, was <strong>the</strong> Cissna Park Review, published in 1892by R. L. Ranton. The News is a weekly paper, issued every Friday.It is Republican in its political affiliation.Circulation, 6 5 0.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 20c, 2 5c through agencyCaking discount.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00. Ralph E CaldweliCOLUMBIA STAR: Established 1906. Ernestine C. Smith and Consuelo SmithYolkert, owners, <strong>the</strong> former being editor.Columbia, population, 1791. Located in Monroe Count), 14 miles south <strong>of</strong> St.I ouis. Mo. M. & O. R.R. Stone quarries.The Star is published each Thursday, and is Independent Republican in politics.G. W. Smith was <strong>the</strong> former owner, fa<strong>the</strong>r <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> present editor.Circulation, 1225.Advertising rates: local, 25c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rates: local, $1.5 0.J. W. Nl I SONS V >,,jr H

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