Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directors and <strong>History</strong>KANKAKEE PROGRESSIVE ERA: Established 1924 byRev. H.irry Anderson, who has been <strong>the</strong> owner and editor sincethatdate.The Progressive Era is .1 weekly publication, appearing everySaturday. It is Republican in political affiliation.Circulation, 1327.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 30c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00.ODELL WEEKLY NEWS: Established 1915 by Hudson andHines. Charles E. Ward, owner and business manager since 1922.Eda L.Ward, editor.Odell, population, 898. Situated in Livingston County, 40 milessouthwest <strong>of</strong> Joliet. C. & A. R.R. Agriculture. Live stock raising.The Odell Weekly News as <strong>the</strong> name implies, is a weeklypublication. It is published every Thursday, and is Independentin politics. Hudson & Hines were former owners <strong>of</strong> this paper.Charles E. WardCirculation, 647.Advertising rate: local, 15c; foreign, 15c,Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00.HYDE PARK HERALD: Established 1881 by L. B. Sherman.Spencer W. Castle, owner and publisher.The Hyde Park Herald is a weekly publication, issued everyFriday. It is Independent in political affiliation, former owners <strong>of</strong>this paper have included Rupert B. Smart, V. B. Morris, Louis B.Sherman, Morris L. Vitter and Charles P. Root.Circulation, 6 5 00.Advertising rate: local, '>1.2 5; foreign, $1.25.Subscription rate: local, $1.00; foreign, S1.00.'GOLDEN NEW ERA: Established 1891 by Frank Hillyer. frank Groves, presentowner, editor, and publisher.Golden, population, 563. Situated in Adams County, 27 miles nor<strong>the</strong>ast <strong>of</strong> Quincy.C. B. & Q.; Wabash R.R. Seed sower factory. Hatchery.The first paper to be published at Golden was <strong>the</strong> Advance established in 1889 b\R. L. and W. E. Anderson. This was succeeded by <strong>the</strong> New Era two vears later.Mrs. Rella Wible is a former owner <strong>of</strong> this paper. The New Era is Independent inpolitics, and is issued every Thursday.Circulation, 800.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, SI. 25; foreign, $1.25.•See jlso Clayton Enterprii453

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