Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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1 .G.<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Dikmioio and <strong>History</strong>BEARDSTOWN [LLINOIAN-STAR: Established 1880 by Cad Allard. C. A.Schaeffer, (deceased) editor. I.. G. Schaeffer, business manager. Owned by <strong>the</strong> SchaefferPublishing Company.Beardstown, population, 63 5 3. Situated inCass Countv on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Illinois</strong> River. 46 mil jswest northwest <strong>of</strong> Springfield. B. & O. ; C B.& Q. R.R.'s. Steamboat connection. Flourmills; railroad shops. Commercial fisheries.Agriculture.The Illinoian-Star numbers among its variousowners, Cad Allard, Si'., S. Nicholson,J.F. E. Nicholson, and F. M. Fulks. In 19 14C. A. and L. G. Schaeffer formed a partnershipand took over <strong>the</strong> management <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paper,publishing it under <strong>the</strong> firm name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>< V. Schaeffer Schaeffer Publishing Company. The Illinoian-S< II U II I RStar is printed daily, with <strong>the</strong> c\ reption oJSunday. It is Independent in politics.Advertising rate: local, 30c; foreign, 3c per line.Subscription rale: local, $5.00 (per year), 15c (per week).Circulation, 2662.WEST SALEM ADVOCATE: Established 1900 by W. S. Ibeen <strong>the</strong> editor and publisher since that date. Mi. and Mrs. \\ . S.West Salem, population, S25. Situated in Edwards County,4S miles northwest <strong>of</strong> Evansvillc, Ind. I. C. R.R. Fruit, dairy, andgeneral farming.:hlcy, , hamenTlie West Salem Advocate is a weekly publication, appearingeve v Wednesday. It is Independent in its political affiliation. Th:present publisher has been in complete charge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Advocate sinceits establishment 32 years ago.Circulation, 6.3 5.Advertising rate: local, 15c; foreign, 20c.Subscription rate: local, si. 00; foreign,

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