Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directors and <strong>History</strong>BREESE JOURNAL: Established 1921 by G. C. Stearns.E. J. Mahlandt, owner, editor, and publisher since 192 5.Breese, population, 195 8. Located in Clinton County, 40 mileseast <strong>of</strong> St. Louis, Missouri. B. & O. R.R. Coal mines. Agriculture,dairying.The Journal is a weekly paper, issued every Thursday. It isDemocratic in political arriliation. This paper was started with <strong>the</strong>co-operation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Breese Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce.Circulation, 1500.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, S1.50; foreign, $1.50.BROOKPORT INDEPENDENT: Established 1923. Jameslewis Hall, owner and editor.Brookport, population, 13 37. Located in Massac County on<strong>the</strong> Ohio River, 3 2 miles east <strong>of</strong> Cairo. Flour mills; button factor)';tie loading chutes. Agriculture. Live stock.The Independent was established in 192 3 by <strong>the</strong> present owner,J. L. Hall, who has maintained a successful paper in <strong>the</strong> face <strong>of</strong>four o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>newspaper</strong> failures in this particular field. The Independentis published every Thursday and is Republican politically.Circulation, 600.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, si. 50; foreign, $1.50.-CHESTER HERALD-TRIBUNE: Established 1859 by John R. Shannon andJohn T. McBride. John A. File and A. Holm, owners. John A. I ile, editor. IncienH.A. File, associate editor and advertising manager.Chester, population, 3921. Located inRandolph County on <strong>the</strong> Mississippi River,about 75 miles below St. Louis. M. & I M. P.;R.R.'s. Ferry to Claryville, Mo. Flour, brick,shoe, and hosiery manufactories. Coal mines.Ships iron, lead, building sand, coal, and farmand manufactured products. Sou<strong>the</strong>rn <strong>Illinois</strong>Penitentiary and Criminal Insane Hospital.The Herald-Tribune is a weekly publication,Independent in politics. This paper is aconsolidation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Herald purchased by Mr.File in 1920 from J.W. Graves, and <strong>the</strong>JOH?Tribune, which was purchased from T. J.H. HoiHoworth.Circulation, 2400.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 3 5c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, s2.t)n.

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