Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Director! and <strong>History</strong>VIOLA ENTERPRISE: Established 1891 by a Mr. Dixon, first nameunobtainable. A. G. Peterson, owner and editor since 1903.Viola, population, 5 64. Situated in Mercer County, 20 milesouth <strong>of</strong> Rock Island on State Routes 83 and 85. C. B. & Q. R.R( o.il mines. Shale rock. Agriculture, especially <strong>the</strong> raising <strong>of</strong> cornThe Enterprise is a weekly. Independent paper. Among thosewho have owned this paper at various times are Messrs. MurraySmith, Adams, Michaelson, Frazier Bro<strong>the</strong>rs, and E. S. HarkraderSince Mr. Peterson purchased <strong>the</strong> Enterprise, he has installed entirelynew equipment, maintaining one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most modern andcomplete plants in <strong>the</strong> state.Circulation, 96 3.Advertising rate: local, 15c, 20c; foreign, 2 5c.Subscription rate: local, SI. 50; foreign, $2.00.orinitialsWARREN SENTINEL-LEADER: Established 18 57 by Lewisand Gaugher. Ray M. Scotchbrook, editor and publisher.Warren, population, 1176. Situated in Jo Daviess Countv, 2>miles northwest <strong>of</strong> Freeport. I. C. R.R. Cheese factory. Furniturefactory. Lead mines, stone quarries. Agriculture.The Sentinel-Leader is a weekly publication, Republican inpolitical affiliation. Herst C. Gann and his daughter, Lulu M. Gannwere previous owners <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sentinel-Leader.R. M. SCOTCHBKOOKCirculation, 13 50.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 30c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, S2.5 0.WARRENSBURG, MACON COUNTY TIMES: Established 18 84 by S. Ritchie.Lu<strong>the</strong>r C. Paxton, owner and editor since November 27, 1931.Warrensburg, population, 5 17. Located in Macon County,miles northwest <strong>of</strong> Decatur on State Road 121. I. C. R.R. Corn8canning factory. Agriculture.The Macon County Times was first known as <strong>the</strong> WarrensburgTimes, <strong>the</strong> name having been changed at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>the</strong> paper wastaken over by <strong>the</strong> present owner. Mrs. C. M. Ritchie and A. R.Finkenbinder were former owners <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Times. The CommunityCitizen is a weekly publication, issued every Friday, and is Independentin politics. It serves <strong>the</strong> communities <strong>of</strong> Warrensburg,Latham, Harristown, and Forsy<strong>the</strong>.Circulation, 700.Advertising rate: local, 20c; foreign, 20c, bv contract.Lu<strong>the</strong>r G PaxtonSubscription rate: local, $1.00 (in Macon County), $1.50 (in <strong>Illinois</strong>) ; for-eign, $2.00.

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