Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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Il IISiils \l\\sl'\l'lK DlRI l IOR1 AND HlSTOR'VMOLINE, GAZETTE van MOLINE: Established 1907 by <strong>the</strong> GazetCompany. J. L. Van Lancker, business manager, editor, and part ownerThe Gazette van Moline at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> its founding, was <strong>the</strong>only Belgian <strong>newspaper</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Flemish language to be publishedin America. The owners <strong>of</strong> this paper have as <strong>the</strong>ir aim <strong>the</strong> naturalization<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir people through <strong>the</strong> policy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paper. More than90 per cent <strong>of</strong> Belgian-born people living in <strong>the</strong> several Belgiansettlements in this state, as well as over <strong>the</strong> country, are propertvowners. C. L. Coryn, Mrs. Ed Coryn, J. L. Van Lancker. anlAnna Van Lancker, are <strong>the</strong> present owners <strong>of</strong> this paper. ThjGazette van Moline, is a weekly publication, appearing every Thursdayand is Independent in politics.Circulation, 4 1 00.Advertising rare: local, 3 5c; foreign, 50c.Subscription rate: local, $2.50; foreign, S3. 50.I I \te PublishingMASON CITY BANNER-TIMES: Established 1867 by Haughey and Warnock.William Warren Milby, editor and owner since 1902. Victor Rickard and M. R. Johnson,part owners.Mason City, population, 1928. Located in Mason Countv.about 30 miles north <strong>of</strong> Springfield. C. & A.; I. C. R.R.'s. Brickworks. Seed corn plants. Coal mines; brick-clay deposits. Agriculture.The Banner-Times was consolidated in 1918. by Mr. Milby,who purchased <strong>the</strong> Banner from R. B. Ruth in 1902 combininghis paper with <strong>the</strong> Times, owned by B. C. Rickard. The two formeda partnership which ended only with Mr. Rickard's death in 1929.His two children since that time have controlled half <strong>the</strong> interest<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> paper. Former owners <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> combined papers have includedHaughey & Hathaway, J. M. Haughey, S. B. Roach, R. B. Ruth.G. D. Sutton, and Ed Wilson. The Banner-Times is published every1AM \V Mil in Thursday and is Republican in political affiliation.Circulation, 925.Advertising rate:Subscription ratelocal, 20c; foreign, 2 5c.local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00.Cross. Arthur |. Mollman,MILLSTADT ENTERPRISE: Established 1897 by 1 . \\ .editor andpublisher.Millstadt, population, 1014. Located in Saint Clair County,7 miles southwest <strong>of</strong> Belleville. M. & O. R.R. Flour and saw mills,garment and fence factories; creamery. Coal mines; stone quarries.Agriculture, fruit.The Enterprise was founded and owned by E. W. Cross until1906, at which time it was purchased by <strong>the</strong> present owner whohas been connected with it since that date. The Enterprise is publishedevery Friday and is Independent in political affiliation.Circulation, 800.Advertising rate: local, 25c; foreign, 25c.Subscription rate: local, $2.00; foreign, $2.00. Arthur J.Mollman411

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