Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>MARION EVENING POST: Established 1900 by O. R. Nation. S. K. Casey,part owner and editor.Marion, population, 9311. County seat <strong>of</strong> Williamson County, located 5 5 milessouth <strong>of</strong> Centralia. M. & E.; C. & E. I.; I. C.j M. P. R.R.'s. Powder, bottling, and^^^^^^^^^^^ marble works; cold storage and creosoting plants; creameries. Coal^^^^B mines. Ships poultry. Fruit, poultry, and general farming.The Marion Evening Post succeeds <strong>the</strong> Tri-City Post, a dailyjib .^ ^H paper established in 1900 for <strong>the</strong> purpose <strong>of</strong> serving Marion, Carter-IvU ville, and Herrin. S. K. Casey and R. P. Hill purchased this paper^E—a ^H shortly after its founding and in April, 1901, changed its name^H to <strong>the</strong> Marion Evening Post. Mr. Casey has owned a half interest^^f ^H in <strong>the</strong> Post since its establishment, his various partners during that^^L A ^HP period <strong>of</strong> time having included former Congressman R. P. Hill,Eugene Bones, Walter W. Williams, former State Representative,and James H. Felts, former State Senator. The Post is publishedS. K. Caseyunder <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Egyptian Press Printing Company. The Postis issued daily with <strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong> Sunday, and is Democratic in politics. It also printsatri-weekly paper which appears every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.Circulation, 2900.Advertising rate: local, 25c, 10c; foreign, 35c.Subscription rate: local (by carrier), $6.00; foreign (by mail), $4.00.MOLINE DAILY DISPATCH: Established 1878 by Oliver and Louise White.P. S. McGlynn, publisher. L. R. Blackman, editor. Moline Dispatch Publishing Com-^^^_____^^_ pany, owner.Moline, population, 32,330. Situated in Rock Island Countyon <strong>the</strong> Mississippi River, 178 miles west <strong>of</strong> Chicago. Steamboatconnections. C. B.&Q.; C.M.St. P.& Pac; C. R. I.&P. R.R.'s. Manufacturingcenter with good water-power. Railroad shops; large steelplow and corn planter factories; malleable iron foundries; steelworks. Manufactures elevators, wagons, scales, boilers, furniture,"I,** di' tractors, automobiles, iron working machinery,^^tk K MSm milling machines, grain harvester, manurespreaders, small arms, and o<strong>the</strong>r military equip-P. S. McGlynn has been associated with<strong>the</strong> Dispatch since <strong>the</strong> early 80's when he andJ. K. Groom tried to rescue <strong>the</strong> Dispatch from what seemed suddendeath, after it had been for seven years under seven different ownerships.Mr. Groom retired from <strong>the</strong> paper in 1901, and was succeededby W. F. Eastman. Mr. Eastman died in 1909, and his interest wasbought by John Sundine in 1911. After Mr. Sundine's death in1922, <strong>the</strong> present Moline Dispatch Publishing Company was formed,<strong>the</strong> present owners being P. S. McGlynn, L. R. Blackman, August L -RSundine, and Harry A. Sward.Circulation, 14,677.Advertising rate: local, 56c-84c; foreign, .065 and .05 5.-BlackmanSubscription rate: local, 15c per week; foreign, $4.00-$ 12.00, per year by mail.410

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