Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>HOOPESTON CHRONICLE-HERALD: Established 1872 by Seavey & Wallace.Arthur S. Littick and Ralph S. Hay, owners and publishers since August 15, 1930.Hoopeston, population, 5 5 97. Located in Vermilion County,24 miles north <strong>of</strong> Danville. C. & E. I.; N. Y. C. & St. L. R.R.'s.Grain elevators,, corn canning; can and canning machinery factories.Machine shops; malleable iron works and chemical works. Shipshay, grain, stock, and manufactured goods.Agriculture.The Chronicle-Herald was first founded as<strong>the</strong> Chronicle. The Weekly Chronicle and itsdaily edition continued publication under JudgeDale Wallace until 1883, when <strong>the</strong> paper wasArthur S. Littick purchased by Charles W. Warner. In 1921Chester A. Aldrich, owner and publisher <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Evening Herald,took over Mr. Warner's interests and merged <strong>the</strong> two papers under<strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Chronicle-Herald. Mr. Aldrich formed a stock companycomposed <strong>of</strong> leading citizens and business men <strong>of</strong> Hoopeston,which published <strong>the</strong> paper until 1930, when it was taken over byRalph S Hav'<strong>the</strong> present owners. The Chronicle-Herald is published daily with <strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong>Sunday, and is Independent in politics.Advertising rate: local, 40c per inch; foreign, 2'jc per line.Subscription rate: local, $6.00; foreign, $4.00, $5.00. Circulation, 2500* JOLIET HERALD-NEWS: Established 1904 by a company <strong>of</strong> Joliet business andpr<strong>of</strong>essional men, headed by Col. John Lambert. Col. Ira C. Copley, owner. Lester F.Filson, editor. Edward Corlett, general manager.Joliet, population, 42,993. Located in WillCounty, on Des Plaines River, Chicago SanitaryDistrict Ship Canal and <strong>Illinois</strong> & MichiganCanal, 37 miles southwest <strong>of</strong> Chicago. C.R.I.&P.; C.&A.; M.C.; A.T.&S.F.; C.M.St.P.&Pac;E.J.&E. R.R.'s. Water-power. Deep waterway to<strong>Illinois</strong> River. Shipping center. Manufacturessteel, iron, chemicals, calendars and mailingcards, horseshoes, stoves, bricks, wallpaper, paperboxes. Junior College. Limestone quarries, bituminouscoal fields, sand and gravel pits. Agriculture.Edward Corlett The Joliet Daily News was started in Lt.ster F. Filson1877. In 1913, Col. Ira C. Copley, presentowner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Herald-News, acquired a controlling interest in <strong>the</strong> Joliet Herald and alsoin <strong>the</strong> Daily News. He continued <strong>the</strong> publication <strong>of</strong> both papers until 1915, when <strong>the</strong>ywere merged to form <strong>the</strong> Herald-News. The Herald-News is a daily publication and alsoissues a Sunday edition. It is Independent in political affiliation.Advertising rate: local, 4c, 7c per line; foreign, 8c per line.Subscription rate: local, $5.00; foreign, $7.50. Circulation, 2 1,49 1.Elgin Co Springfield, Illii3 84

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