Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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Ii i [Nois Ni wspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>ville Courier; Auditing Committee, J. W. Wild, Nokomis Free Press Gazette; E. M.Johnson, Pontiac Free Press Observer; Terry Simmons, Marseilles Plaindealer; Legislative-Committee, Honorable E. A. Snively, Springfield.A memorial tribute in honor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> late Henry Woodruff <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Franklin ParkPress-News was read.1906The Forty-First Annual Session was held in Chicago on June 6, 7 and 8, 1906.After <strong>the</strong> appointment <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> regular committees and some general discussion, <strong>the</strong> President,J. B. Castle, Sandwich Argus, gave his annual address.S. W. Culp, Morrisonville Times, read a paper on "Pills and Papers in PatentMedicine." He said in part:"I used my paper to advertise aconite, ammonia, anise, and aloes; belladonna,bergamot, bismuth and bloodroot, camphor, cascarets, cardamon, and caffeine,digitallis, duotal and dogwood; euphorbium, eucalyptus, emulsions, and elixirs;ferrum, oxydatum saccharum, soluble green soap, hydrogen peroxide, insect powder,jaborandi kali, tararicum, boraxicum, lactic acid, milkweed cream, nutgall, ointments,pills, quinine, rat poison, soaps, talcum powder, euguentums, veratrum,wahoo bitters, yello puccoon, and zinc oxide. This advertising brought me newbusiness and I tell a true tale when I say I repeated my experience to o<strong>the</strong>rs and<strong>the</strong>reby got <strong>the</strong>m to take space in my paper and reap <strong>the</strong> benefits to be enjoyedby using its columns."Mr. Culp was followed by H. W. Jones, Ipava Independent, on "The Public Printing."The Secretary read a paper by W. B. Davis, Mt. Sterling Democrat-Message, on"The Twice-a-Week."Instead <strong>of</strong> having many papers read, <strong>the</strong> Executive Committee had planned aQuestion Box, to which <strong>the</strong> members could bring such questions as <strong>the</strong>y desired discussed.During question session discussion took place on water power and gasolinemotors, and on <strong>the</strong> publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Session Laws.The Honorable W. J.White <strong>of</strong> Ottawa, Canada, representative <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> CanadianGovernment, was introduced and invited <strong>the</strong> Association to take a trip into Canada.A motion was carried to accept <strong>the</strong> invitation. The President announced that <strong>the</strong> popularwish was to have <strong>the</strong> excursion after August 21.Terry Simmons, Marseilles Plaindealer, entertained <strong>the</strong> Association with an essayon "Why Should a Bachelor Editor Marry?" B. B. Herbert <strong>of</strong> National Printer-Journalist, Chicago, presented a paper on "The Influence <strong>of</strong> Press Organizations on <strong>the</strong>Newspapers <strong>of</strong> America."The annual address was given by <strong>the</strong> Honorable Owen Scott <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Decatur Heraldon "The Mission <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Press." The next two papers on <strong>the</strong> program were "AuxiliaryNewspapers," by William G. Dustin <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Dwight Star-Herald, and "A CountryEditor's Experience in Washington," by Clinton Bliss, Hillsboro News."Mutual Fire Insurance—Could It Be Made to Benefit <strong>the</strong> Country Editor?" was<strong>the</strong> subject <strong>of</strong> a talk by John M. Rapp, Fairfield Record. E. A. Snively, Springfield,requested that <strong>the</strong> Postal Committee be discharged and <strong>of</strong>fered a resolution that <strong>the</strong>Association co-operate with whatever course <strong>the</strong> committee might take in regard to<strong>the</strong> Circular No. 25.The <strong>of</strong>ficers elected for <strong>the</strong> ensuing year were: President, H. N. Wheeler, QuincyJournal; Vice Presidents, Miss Mary Davidson, Carthage Republican; J. M. Sheets,Oblong Oracle; Charles B. Mead, Geneva Republican; Secretary, J. M. Page, JerseyvilleDemocrat; Treasurer, H. A. David, Winchester Herald; Executive Committee, S. K.171

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