Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association

Illinois newspaper directory. History of the Illinois press association


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<strong>Illinois</strong> Newspaper Directory and <strong>History</strong>Clinton On County Organizations"In <strong>the</strong>se days <strong>of</strong> unions, <strong>of</strong> trusts, <strong>of</strong> syndicates, <strong>of</strong> corporations and combines<strong>of</strong> all sorts it ought to be apparent, it is as apparent as I can hope to make it to <strong>the</strong>intelligent <strong>newspaper</strong> man, that he and his pr<strong>of</strong>ession can be no exception to <strong>the</strong> lawunder which society is organized. Fierce competition has forced rivals in every o<strong>the</strong>rcalling and pr<strong>of</strong>ession to recognize <strong>the</strong> necessity for organization. Editors are quick tosee and ready to announce <strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> organization everywhere except in <strong>the</strong>irown pr<strong>of</strong>ession. Here, too <strong>of</strong>ten, <strong>the</strong> editor decides to make his fight alone, and thoughhe 'be a hero in <strong>the</strong> strife' <strong>the</strong> fruits <strong>of</strong> his victories are likely to be delayed until hehas entered <strong>the</strong> better land. Already <strong>the</strong> city editor has lost his identity and has becomesimply an interchangeable cog in <strong>the</strong> wheel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> great financial combine which compelshim to grind out impersonal editorials to <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> counting room. And <strong>the</strong>unorganized and warring country editors, each fighting for himself alone, soon findshimself worsted in contest with <strong>the</strong> thoroughly organized clique <strong>of</strong> county politicianswho mass <strong>the</strong>ir forces and gain <strong>the</strong>ir ends by keeping <strong>the</strong> editors jealous <strong>of</strong> and at warwith each o<strong>the</strong>r thus destroying <strong>the</strong>ir influence and making <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> laughing stock<strong>of</strong> sensible men in <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r pr<strong>of</strong>essions."Every trade, calling or pr<strong>of</strong>ession has its laws for admission to full membership.The darky who whitewashed a dead wall must belong to 'de union.' Every o<strong>the</strong>rpr<strong>of</strong>ession guards <strong>the</strong> gateways to membership, has its schools and its recognized standards;<strong>the</strong> veterinarian before he may prescribe for a sick cat, <strong>the</strong> dentist before hemay crush a tooth, <strong>the</strong> druggist before he may sell a box <strong>of</strong> pills or a dose <strong>of</strong> catnip,<strong>the</strong> physician before he may prescribe sulphur for scabbies, <strong>the</strong> attorney before he maycharge a big fee for a transparent lie to a jury, <strong>the</strong> school ma'am before she may impart<strong>the</strong> mysteries <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> alphabet, <strong>the</strong> clergyman before he reaches <strong>the</strong> state <strong>of</strong> infallibilityeach and every one must attain to <strong>the</strong> prescribed standard fixed by his fellows andenacted into law. No such protection bars <strong>the</strong> open gate to <strong>the</strong> journalistic paradise,but above gleams an ignis fatmts flame ever luring on to fame or failure, <strong>the</strong> deadbeats, cranks and fools <strong>of</strong> all o<strong>the</strong>r callings and pr<strong>of</strong>essions who enter unquestionedexcept by <strong>association</strong>s like this, to occupy <strong>the</strong> editorial tripod, <strong>the</strong> only o<strong>the</strong>r guardians<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession being <strong>the</strong> fool killer and <strong>the</strong> law <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> survival <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> toughestand <strong>the</strong> fittest."As to <strong>the</strong> benefits which may arise from county organization it may be said:As county lines, largely, mark <strong>the</strong> bound <strong>of</strong> common interests so <strong>the</strong>se are <strong>the</strong> naturalboundary lines for primary organization so necessary to curb <strong>the</strong> tendency manifested,especially by new beginners, to enter into a suicidal competition. City and town organizationsare good where possible but even <strong>the</strong>n a county organization is a necessity asan umpire between rivals in <strong>the</strong> same town. Some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tasks which may be attemptedearly in <strong>the</strong> history <strong>of</strong> a county organization are <strong>the</strong> cultivation <strong>of</strong> a fraternal spiritsuch as marks <strong>the</strong> personal intercourse <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> legal and o<strong>the</strong>r pr<strong>of</strong>essions.The development <strong>of</strong> enough pr<strong>of</strong>essional pride ought to stop <strong>the</strong> bitter personal attacksupon rivalry. A county organization ought to be able to agree upon a fair and equitablerate for all legal advertising, and for party work. To enforce <strong>the</strong> law requiring <strong>the</strong>publication <strong>of</strong> township <strong>of</strong>ficers' reports — and to fix a just and equitable rate for suchwork as well as for <strong>the</strong> publication <strong>of</strong> announcements <strong>of</strong> county and township <strong>of</strong>ficers;for publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial tickets, for printing election tickets, for publishing proceedings<strong>of</strong> supervisors and city councils, and to prevent competitive bidding, for tax lists, etc."Unlike district and state <strong>association</strong>s which meet only at long intervals <strong>the</strong> county<strong>association</strong> with a live set <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers can keep in constant communication and meet130

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