Fall 2012 (.pdf format) - The Animal League of Green Valley

Fall 2012 (.pdf format) - The Animal League of Green Valley

Fall 2012 (.pdf format) - The Animal League of Green Valley


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What’s in a name?Did you ever wonder how theanimals at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> <strong>League</strong> gettheir names? Some animals cometo us with a name and <strong>of</strong> course wekeep it, even if it means we haveBenji 1 and Benji 2 in the kennels.Licorice When an original name must bechosen there are several possibilities. First, thelocation where they were found gives us names likeTubac or Mariposa. Of course some pets just looklike their name; it’s obviously part <strong>of</strong> their aura. Forinstance, the black and white cat is Domino or thewhite dog is Casper and the black cat is Licorice.Some pets exhibit a personality trait that influencesthe naming: Princess, Roxy, Buddha or Chico.Other animals provoke images <strong>of</strong> famous people orother critters: Scooby, Lauren or Remington.When naming litters that arrive at our doorstep it ishelpful to keep the names in a “theme”, such as theCereal Puppies: Trix, Captain Crunch, & Chex ~the Weather Puppies: Monsoon, Rain, Snow &Rainbow ~ the Salad Kittens: Waldorf and Caesar~ or the Fruit Kitties: Kiwi, Plum & Blackberry. Thismakes it easier to recognizelittermates, and if by chancethey return to us, it gives a frame<strong>of</strong> reference to their origin. <strong>The</strong>nthere are names that just appearout <strong>of</strong> nowhere: Peekytoe,Koda, or Squiggy.SquiggyNaming our animals at TALGVis a group effort. It all dependson who is present at the time <strong>of</strong>intake and where those mindsgo at that moment to think up aname.When you go to name your next Casperpet, here are some things youshould consider when searching for that perfectmoniker. Keep it short - preferably one or twosyllables so that it’s easy for your pet to learn.Match it to the pet’s personality or appearance.Use your imagination: a favorite book character, aninteresting place, a favorite actor or food. And don’tforget your sense <strong>of</strong> humor, you can always takethe initiative and be totally original when you namea pet: Pita Pan, Captain Insane-O, Schmorkle orRootie Patatootie!As in many other shelters, wegive our adoptable pets creativenames or names that provide apeek into the pet’s personality.But if you can’t envision yourselfhollering for Polly Picklepuss,Benji 2 and you prefer to give your pet anew name, animal behavioriststell us it is okay to change a pet’s name. Here’show: add their new name to their old name for afew weeks, then gradually phase out the old one.Your new pet will happily respond to whatevername you choose.Petfinder.com, the largest online database <strong>of</strong> adoptable pets, announced its 2011 ranking <strong>of</strong> the mostpopular, most unusual names and “celebrity name-a-likes.” Here’s what’s trending….Top Dog Names Top Cat Names Most Unusual Names Celebrity Name-A-Likes1. Buddy2. Max3. Daisy4. Bella5. Lucy6. Molly7. Charlie8. Jack9. Sadie10. Rocky1. Lucy2. Smokey3. Bella4. Charlie5. Tiger6. Oreo7. Daisy8. Molly9. Max10. Midnight1. Dodgy WodgySchookum Doodle2. Polly Picklepuss3. Sukimaypoo4. Iben Hooked5. Blue Sparkles McGillicutty6. Killer the Dog DominatingDeclawed Cat7. Purr-etzle8. Fluff Dog Millionaire9. Jimmy Chews10.Ishkabibble1. Barry Meow-nilow2. Katy Purry3. Ally McBeagle4. Brad the Pit5. Rascal Catts6. Ringo Starr7. Cindy Clawford8. Cindy Dogford9. Vera Fang10. Lady Gaga3

We Love Our Pit Bulls!Please help TALGV by spreading the wordabout these wonderful pets.Come and meet them in person.We’re sure you will fall in love too!~ANOI’m a super friendly guy wholoves people, other dogs andgoing for long walks. But most<strong>of</strong> all, I love hugs and kisses.PETEI absolutely adorepeople <strong>of</strong> all ages. I enjoya good workout on thetreadmill and thenjust hanging out,preferably in your lap.GORICKI’m a very affectionate young guy.I love people, other dogs,romps in the yard and longwalks on a leash.SCOOBYI love tummy rubs, chew toys,playing tag with my friends andcurling up in front <strong>of</strong> the TV atthe end <strong>of</strong> the day.A man may smile andbid you hailYet wish you to the devil;But when a good dogwags his tail,You know he's on the level.~Author UnknownBUDDHAI’m a super handsome andextremely gentle guy who lovespeople and gets along great withother dogs and cats.4

5ANNUAL MEETING<strong>The</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> <strong>League</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>will hold its annual meetingfor members in December.Thursday- December 6 - 1PMFriends in Deed - Room D301 W. Camino Casa Verde<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, AZ 85614<strong>The</strong> public is welcome to attend.SPONSOR A PETElaine Gioia wanted tohonor the memory <strong>of</strong> herhusband and help ourdogs. This plaque is theresult. You can see it inour lobby. When Scoobyis adopted, Elaine'ssponsorship will betransferred to anotherTALGV dog <strong>of</strong> her choice.You, too, can honor aperson, a pet or a specialevent, by sponsoring aTALGV cat or dog. If youare interested in thisproject, please check thesponsorship box on theenclosed return envelope.TALGV Board <strong>of</strong> DirectorsWelcomes a New MemberReservations for tables <strong>of</strong> 8 are available.K im Eisele is originally fromNew Jersey where she started acareer at Allied-Signal Inc. In 1994she had the opportunity to relocateto Tempe, Arizona, to be a FinancialAnalyst for the Corporate DataCenter. After 17 years with thecompany, Kim decided to retire and pursue herpassion to sell fine jewelry.In 2002, Kim and her husband moved to <strong>Green</strong><strong>Valley</strong>. Kim volunteered as a docent at the ArizonaSonora Desert Museum until she developed severeback problems, which were exacerbated by a carcrash in 2007. <strong>The</strong> accident left her a paraplegicand she was told by doctors that she would neverwalk again. This prognosis was unacceptable toKim who began intensive physical therapy and didnot stop until she was able to walk again.Once back on her feet, Kim decided it was time tostart volunteering where her heart has always been,which is with dogs and cats. In 2009 Kim started asa dog handler with TALGV, then became a DogCoordinator. In <strong>2012</strong>, she additionally became theVolunteer Coordinator and an Adoption Counselor.When not performing TALGV duties, Kim enjoysscrapbooking, traveling, playing the piano, andloving her four-legged children...felines, Sanchoand Moushka and canines, Lexy and Mystic.

6Mail from our friends...SammieHere are some photos <strong>of</strong> me on an outing tothe Natural Bridge. I was carried to the bridgeto see the falls. My grandfather holds me andI feel quite safe. I am doing very well. I amover 8 lbs now and love reclining in myfavorite chair in front <strong>of</strong> the fireplace - but, I’mnot getting spoiled. Best wishes to theSaturday socializers.Sandra Carroll and SammieBellaHere’s my story: Although you knew me asMiss Purdy, I am now called Bella. <strong>The</strong> namefits me just right (if I do say so myself). Mynew parents are very proud <strong>of</strong> me and howwell I fetch toys by name from my toy box andrun after tennis balls at the dog park. Ofcourse, my sweet face (with Puggle head tilt)always gets me “extras” after meals - cheeseand pumpkin! Thanks for helping me find myfamily.John, Kathy and Bella HeylKaty CatThank you so much for having Katy Cat,formerly known as Jade, when I cameby. I instantly knew Katy was the cat forme, and she turned out to be thesmartest, friendliest, most outgoing catI’ve ever seen. When someone comes tovisit she runs to greet them and getpets. One <strong>of</strong> her favorite things is towatch the bird feeder outside thewindow. I do believe she loves me andher new home as much as I love her.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> <strong>League</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is ablessing to Southern Arizona. Pam Reagan, TucsonMagnumMagnum traveled very well to his new home inPort Angeles, Washington. He loves runningand playing with our two young boys andwatching the deer come up to our back door.We love having him in our family. Thank youfor allowing us to adopt him. Magnum sendsall his love and best wishes to his pals stillwaiting for their forever family to come along.Sincerely, Everett L. YoungSeñorLook at me...I’m going camping!Dad and I have spent all weekendchecking out the motorhome andgetting it ready to go. Mom saidthat when we go camping we takelong walks and do some exploringand that my 2 sisters and I canrun and play all day long. At night we will have a cookout with a big campfireand after dinner everyone sits around the fire telling stories. Maybe they willtell my story. I can hardly wait to go - I am so excited! Love, SeñorTommy is so loveable and loves everyone. He loves the dog, the othercats, and me. My other cat, Blackie, has made him her forever friend. <strong>The</strong>yare a good match. When I pull in the driveway, I hear him calling me.Tommy is everywhere, the laundrybasket, the couch, the fixed cat tree,the bed, the couch again...heannounces himself loudly andproudly! I love his purr and hisaffection. I didn’t know how much Iwas missing until he got here!Sincerely, Toni MarongelliTommyMacbeth andPennyHere are two TALGV cats that are nowours. Macbeth (aka Mr. Mom) on the leftand Penny, who wants to be Macbethwhen she grows up but doesn’t understand that she’s as big as she’s ever goingto be. <strong>The</strong> can get “into it” on a regular basis, but they obviously adore eachother. We bring out the spray bottle now and again, but since we put a smallamount <strong>of</strong> white vinegar in the water and they really do NOT like smelling like asalad, they usually quit acting like idiots right away. Love, Sally CarolineCindyHI! You knew me as Lindy but my name is nowCindy. I do love my new digs. That’s me cuttingmy birthday cake on my 9th. I had a crown for myhead and got some new toys. Boy, do I havethese people spoiled. <strong>The</strong>y call me “<strong>The</strong> Boss”. Ilove them dearly and they love me the same way.I have found a happy home.Love, Cindy

News from our Attic Thrift Shop<strong>Fall</strong> is here and lots <strong>of</strong> winter residentsare returning. Now is the time when many <strong>of</strong> us are cleaning closetsand having yard sales to get ready for the holiday season. AtTALGV's Attic Thrift Shop your gently used housewares, clothing,furniture, collectibles, jewelry and books are literally turned intohousing, food and veterinary care for thousands <strong>of</strong> furry friends inour community. It is most helpful if donated items are clean and ingood working order. Thank You!eState SalesNEWConducted 4 Uby Thrift Shop Specialists75% <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>its go to YOU25% goes to our animalsNEWOur aim is to make your sale asworry free and successful as possible.If you have any questions or would like to schedule a sale,please call Becky Federico at 520-909-5781$3.00 COUPONOne coupon per customerGood for any purchase <strong>of</strong> $3.00 or moreNot redeemable for cashOpen 7 Days/Week ~ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm ~ 1600 W. Duval Mine Rd. <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, AZ 85614 ~ 520-625-3170 ~ Pickup/ Delivery Available7

1600 W. Duval Mine Rd.<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, AZ 85614Tipsy says, “Go to...‘www.theanimalrescuesite.com’.Click on the Shelter Challenge symbol.Vote every day and help win $$for all <strong>of</strong> us here at TALGV.Paw Prints Editor - Sharon KnightPhotographer - Georgia PuttockTALGV is a 501(c)(3)Not for Pr<strong>of</strong>itOrganization<strong>The</strong> <strong>Animal</strong> <strong>League</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>BOARD OF DIRECTORSPresident - Jean DavisVice President - Nancy ArnoldSecretary - Linda MoserTreasurer - Ge<strong>of</strong>f KnightMembers - Kim Eisele, Kareen Kell,Joan Matti, Georgia Puttock,Rose WelliverCOORDINATORSAttic Thrift Store - Nancy Arnold,Becky Federico, Eunice Hindes,Joan Matti, Mary Jane Weedon,Abbie Hunter (Emeritus)Canine Post Adoption Support -Nan LuxCat Biographer - Pam TartaglinoCat Care - Carol Brickles, Pat Byers,Sally Caroline, Artie Collins, Patty <strong>Green</strong>,Jamie John, Kathie Kynion, Audrey McFadden,Tammy Patrick, Norma Utne, Ann WylandCommunity Events - Cathy LuskDog Biographer/ Petfinder - Linda MoserCOORDINATORS continuedDog Care - Cynthia Dean, Kim Eisele,Jamie John, Kathie Kynion, Joyce Parchuta,Diane Salvato, Jennifer Symons,Vicki Turner, Rose Welliver, Melody Winter,Chuck Mullen (Emeritus)Education - Marty FultonFinance - Ge<strong>of</strong>f KnightGrants - Pam DunahayIn<strong>format</strong>ion Technology - Ge<strong>of</strong>f KnightIntakes/Onsite Adoptions - Jean DavisMaintenance - Joe HerreraOffice - Kareen KellOffsite Cats - Susan StickelOffsite Dogs - Cathie FisherPet <strong>The</strong>rapy Visits - Marilyn HarrisPhotography - Georgia PuttockPublications - Trudy ShannonSpay/Neuter In-House - Lois HallinanSpay/Neuter Outreach - Nancy ArnoldSpecial Events - Suzette GoebelVolunteer - Kim EiseleWeb Master - Barry CoganBob Puttock, AssistantTALGVnow acceptsDEBIT andCREDITCARDSLOCATION & MAILING ADDRESS1600 W. Duval Mine Road<strong>Green</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, AZ 85614TELEPHONEFAX(520) 625-3170 (520) 625-4684KENNELS and ATTIC THRIFT SHOPOpen 7 Days a Week10:00 am to 2:00 pmFind us onWEBSITEwww.talgv.orgwww.facebook.com/TALGV

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