Revenue Branch - East Khasi Hills

Revenue Branch - East Khasi Hills

Revenue Branch - East Khasi Hills


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MANUAL NO. (iv)Norms set by it for the discharge of its functions.The <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong> norms are for adherence of various laws related to Land and Land<strong>Revenue</strong>, quality and timely delivery of services under the law.MANUAL NO. (v)Rules, Regulations instructions, Manuals and records held by it or under its controlor use by the employees for discharging of its functions.The following are the Acts and Rules and Instructions which the <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong> keepfor reference in its normal course of discharging its duties and responsibilitiesThe Assam Land <strong>Revenue</strong> Regulation 1886 as adapted by the State of Meghalaya, the LandAcquisition Act 1894, the Meghalaya Urban Area Rent Control Act of 1972, the Meghalaya PublicPremises (Eviction Of Unauthorised Occupants )Act 1980 and other land laws. The AdministrativeService Rules. The Meghalaya Secretariat Manual of office procedure. The Fundamental Rules,Subsidiary Rules 1984 The Rules of Executive business of the State of Meghalaya The Discipline andAppeal Rules, The Meghalaya Civil Service Conduct Rules The financial powers are as per, TheMeghalaya Financial Rules 1984, The Delegation of Financial Power Rules 1981. The MeghalayaTraveling Allowance Rules 1981. Pension Rules Others. File Index Register Instructions issued byFinance/Planning/Personnel /Law/ Departments etc. from time to timeMANUAL NO (vi).Statement of category of document that are held by it or under its control Sl No Category of thedocument Name of the document and its introduction in one line Procedure to obtain thedocument Held by /Under control of - The Bare Acts mentioned in the preceding manual,. file IndexRegister, file movement Register.MANUAL NO (vii).Particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with or representation by the membersof the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof. The <strong>Revenue</strong><strong>Branch</strong> implements no development schemes, the nature and functions of the branch does not involvepeople participation as mostly the nature of work is regulatory, hence there is less scope of publicinvolvement.4

18 Shri K. M. Umlong Peon 0364 MawlaiUmthlong,Shillong19 Smti J. Marbaniang Peon 0364 5 th Mile ParmawUpper Shillong20 Shri P. Kynta Chainman 0364 2548599 MawlaiIewrynghep,Shillong21 Smti. M.Kahit LDA 0364 Umpling22. Smti. J.Lyngkhoi LDA 0364 Jaiaw, Shillong.23. Smti.Suzareen Lyngdoh Peon 0364 MawlaiMawdatbakiMANUAL No. (x).Monthly remuneration etc.Name Designation Monthlyremuneration(Gross)In RupeesCompensationallowance1. J.Lyngdoh, IAS DeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>),2. A.Nikhla, MCS Addl. Deputy 28338Commissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>)3. Smti A. Nengnong SA 208574. Smti B. Mawthoh UDA 182875. Smti M. Challam UDA 167216. Shri M. L. Tron S.K. 154557. Shri B. Pale S.K. 133678. Smti K. Thabah LDA 99029. Smti B. Tynsong LDA 1388910. Smti B.Basaiawmoit LDA 1047611. Smti S. Kharnarbi LDA 1026712. Shri J. Janong Mandal 1086713. Shri A.W. Kharkongor Mandal 977214. Shri B. Khongshei Mandal 977215. Shri D. H. Dkhar Mandal 977216. Shri N. Allya Chainman 932817. Shri B.Mawkhlieng Chainman 777818. Shri K. M. Umlong Peon 872819. Smti J. Marbaniang Peon 797420. Shri P. Kynta Chainman 758121. Smti. M.Kahit LDA 935422. Smti J. Lyngkhoi LDA 935423. Smti. SuzareenLyngdohPeon 7482The procedure todetermine theremuneration asgiven in theregulationAs per the pay rulesof the stateGovernmentMANUAL NO. (xi).6

The budget allocated to each of its Agency, indicating the particulars of allits plans, proposed expenditure and reports of expenditure madeThe <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong> obtain funds from requiring Departments/Agenciesin case of Land Acquisition. Otherwise all the financial matters are channelisedfrom the Establishment section of the DC's office.MANUAL NO. (xii).The manner of execution of subsidy programmes, including the amount allocated and the details ofbeneficiaries of such programmes;The <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong> implements no development scheme.MANUAL NO. (xiii)..Particulars of recipients of concessions, or authorization granted by it.-NIL-MANUAL NO (xiv)Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in the Electronic form.May refer to the website of the Deputy Commissioner and State <strong>Revenue</strong> Deptt.MANUAL NO (xv)Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the workinghours of a library or a reading room, if maintained for public use;-The branch has no library facilities, no reading room.MANUAL NO. (xvi)Names, designations and other particulars of Public information officers.Organisation PublicAuthority<strong>Revenue</strong><strong>Branch</strong>,D.C’s Office,ShillongAssistant PublicInformation OfficersExtra Asst.Commissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>)Public InformationOfficersAddl. DeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>),DeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>)AppellateAuthorityDeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>), <strong>East</strong><strong>Khasi</strong> <strong>Hills</strong>District*Names designations and other particulars of the public information officers7

SlNoName of the Public AuthorityName Designation STDCode1 ShriJ.Lyngdoh,IASDeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>),Assistant Public Information OfficersTelephone no Fax Email AddressOffice Res0364 2224003 2534829 2223394 dcshillo.nic.inD.C’sOffice,Shilllong,RoomNo.301SlNoName Designation STDCodeTelephone no Fax Email AddressOfficeResSlNoPublic Information OfficersName Designation STDCode1 Smti.A.Nikhla,MCSSlNoAddl. DeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>),Department Appellate AuthorityName Designation STDCode1 ShriJ.Lyngdoh,IASDeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>),Telephone no Fax Email AddressOffice Res0364 2225003 2500635 2225003 nil D.C’sOffice,Shilllong,Room No.306Telephone no Fax Email AddressOffice Res0364 2224003 2534829 2223394 dcshillo.nic.inD.C’sOffice,Shilllong,Room No.301*Powers and duties of officers and employees.8

The powers of the branch is exercised by the Deputy Commissioner (<strong>Revenue</strong>), Shillong and hispowers and duties are guided by the rules and regulations, notably those which are listed in ManualNo.(v) .The duties of other employees are as per Meghalaya Secretariat manual on office procedure.DesignationPowersDutiesDeputy Commissioner (<strong>Revenue</strong>),AdministrativeFinancialOthersMANUAL NO. (xvii)*Rules, Regulations etc. Same as manual No (vi).* Type of document (Rules, Regulation, Instructions, Manuals, Records, Others)* Name /Title of the documentThe list of Documents same as at Manual (V) From where one can get a copy of the documentAddress: (Rules, Regulation, Instructions, Manuals, Records, OthersTelephone: 2225003Fax: 0364-2225003--E-mail: dcshillo.nic.inOthers: ---------------- Fees charged by the Department for a copy of (Rules, Regulation,Instructions, Manuals, Records, (If any)Subject on which the decision is to betakenGuideline /direction if anyProcess of executionDesignation of Officer involve in thedecision making processContact information of the abovementioned officersIf not satisfied by the decision, where andhow to appealOn the right to information ActAs per Govt of Meghalaya direction on thematter.As may be prescribed under the rules.Deputy Commissioner (<strong>Revenue</strong>)0364-2224003Deputy Commissioner (<strong>Revenue</strong>)*Budget allocation to each agency (Particulars of all plans proposed expenditure etc9

For Other Public AuthoritySlNoHeadProposedBudgetSanctionedBudgetAmountreleased/disburse(no. ofinstallments)No Plan schemes in <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong> as such this part is also Not applicable to this<strong>Branch</strong>*Manner of execution of subsidy programmesSlNoBeneficiarynameAmountofsubsidyParent/guardiansNot relevant to <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong>Criteria ofselectionAddressDist City Town/villageHouseno*Particulars of recipients of concessions etcSlNoBeneficiarynameValidityperiodParent/guardiansNot relevant to <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong>AddressDist City Town/villageHouse no*Formulation of policiesSlNoSubject/TopicThe formulation ofpolicies in the <strong>Revenue</strong><strong>Branch</strong>Is it mandatory toensure publicparticipation(yes/No)The participation ofthe public has very lessscope as the works ofthe <strong>Branch</strong> is mainlyregulatory.Arrangements for seeking publicparticipation*Implementation of policy.SlNoSubject/TopicIs it mandatory toensure publicparticipation(yes/N)No*Procedure followed in decision making process.10

Subject on which the Administrative decisions starts with perusal of dak by the Deputydecision is to be taken Commissioner (<strong>Revenue</strong>) and his endorsement thereon. The case isprocessed further by the staff of the department and putting it uphierarchically to the higher authority for final order.Guideline /direction if any Guidelines /directions etc are invariably referred in the process ofdecision makingProcess of execution The orders of the <strong>Branch</strong> are issued through the issue sections ofDesignation of Officerinvolve in the decisionmaking processContact information ofthe above mentionedofficersIf not satisfied by thedecision, where and howto appealthe DC's officeThe officers involve in the decision making process in the <strong>Revenue</strong><strong>Branch</strong> are as per the hierarchy already stated in the organizationpattern of the OfficeParticulars are as per the hierarchy already stated in theorganization pattern of the OfficeAppeals procedure on administrative matters are as per standinginstructions of the Government, which inter alia include appeal tothe Deputy Commissioner, and Appeals before the Board of<strong>Revenue</strong> .The Organisational Set up of <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong> in the D.C’s Office, ShillongThe Deputy Commissioner is the Controlling Officer of the <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong>. Below him are theAddl Deputy Commissioner and the Extra Assistant Commissioner and ministerial staff.Sl.No Name ofDistricts1 <strong>East</strong> <strong>Khasi</strong><strong>Hills</strong>DeputyCommissionersDeputyCommissionersContact Nos.0364 22240032223250Name of CivilSub-DivisionsSohra CivilSub-DivisionSDO (Civil) ContactNo.SDO (Civil)The Deputy Commissioner is the District administrative head. He is assisted by the AdditionalDeputy Commissioners (<strong>Revenue</strong>),and the Extra Assistant Commissioners (<strong>Revenue</strong>).Duties and functions of <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>Branch</strong>:- as in Manual (1)(xvi) The names Designations and other particulars of Public Information Officers.OrganizationsPublic authority Assistant PublicInformation OfficersPublic InformationOfficers.1 2 3 4 5<strong>East</strong> <strong>Khasi</strong>Extra Assistant Addl. Deputy<strong>Hills</strong>Commissioner CommissionerDistrict(<strong>Revenue</strong>)(<strong>Revenue</strong>)DeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>) <strong>East</strong> <strong>Khasi</strong><strong>Hills</strong> DistrictAppellateAuthorityDeputyCommissioner(<strong>Revenue</strong>)11

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