constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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99The region that we say as the NGOs we represent is the old region that was called NFD while others have translated as NotFor Development. I would like to recommend that the governance of this region, be put back in the hands of the community.You are able to see that all the people who presented here are the locals, they were referring to a Government that is inNairobi, and that they do not see themselves as far than part of this Government. I will therefore recommend that a federalsystem of governance where the region becomes the unity, initially, and there is going to be a central one in Nairobi, beformulated in this Constitution. We were more close to a Government during the colonial era, where we had the tradition chiefsat l<strong>east</strong> governing us than it is now in this system of governance, and therefore that can only be taken care of by that form ofgovernance.Secondly, on the issue of security, we are pastrolists, and as pastrolists, we are people who move with their livestock, the onlyproperty we have, on our own land. The Government we have now is one that is centred in trading centers, and we thereforeforce to move to it. I will therefore recommend that in this traditional set up of regional Government, we would be able to haveour own security and hence cover our governance needs through that system.Thirdly on the issue of citizenship, I would recommend that issues of ID cards and screening cards be done away with and theonly aspect of identification should be passports. There is no need as to why we should have duo identification cards. Thirdlyon the issue of citizenship again, we are here on a boarder that we never created and we have some of our people on the otherside of the boarder yet some of us are married from the other side of the boarder knowing the African types of traditions, wherepeople who are intermarried normally visit each other, we wish to be given that allowance of dual citizenship so that aspastoralists, because we also move with our livestock to the other end. We should at l<strong>east</strong> be given that clause.On the issue of three arms of Government, in the current Constitution it is supposed to have been one that is balancing itself, butwe find that the executive is there also in the regislature.and so I recommend that the ministers should be people not Membersof Parliament. So the Members of Parliament only represent he voices of the people who represented them and Ministers areable to undertake that job they have been given for the whole nation.I also propose that MPs, MPs should not be a full time job, most of the infighting in the country, is as a result of that very seniorjob where everybody in this country, is struggling to get and if this, the issue of employer, members of Parliament become a parttime job. I’m sure that attachment that given to it now will at l<strong>east</strong> be reduced and so that will also reduce the issue of infightingin this country.Lastly, we always talk about poverty. Poverty in this region has been perpetuated by the Government. It has been perpetuatedin a sense that you are able to hear old men say here that ‘right in this borehole, about 800 heads of camel were shot one day. Iwould therefore recommend, that the issues of prople having come up with their own roles in the form of indemnity act, wherethey said they killed people, animals and their livestock taken away, and as we cannot sue them be thrown away in this new

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