constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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94Sugal Abdow: Waxa qalbigeiga keney xathi kiwanjathan xilibka lagadofimayo arigatha intath qasho ath jawan kurito yalagagathani laxa ila London ama Arabta.Translator: I thought in my mind, if we would have utilized this airport because that is a big one then I prayed that these animalswould have been taken to other parts of the world, like Arab and middle East to market my livestock.Sugal Abdow: Marka aniga oo kiwanjathan iney disante arko yan lawathan boqol sosistey.Translator:When I’m seeing that facility, and I would have got dollars, I sold my animals at 200 shillings.Sugal Abdow: Marka waxan iskkufiriyey qatkana udofi xilibka madofayo.Translator:What I have compared is Miraa, if it can be taken for international market, why not meat, which of course issomething that is sustaining the pastoralist.Sugal Abdow: Marka awotha rer North Eastern ath bey uxoseysa.Translator:We people of North Eastern have been marginalized,Sugal Abdow: License yatha labixinayo oo kenya tha kaley kamit eh xanoqoto North Eastern.Translator: It is not like any other part of Kenya and we are appealing to the Constitution to mainstream us for instance to theother parts of Kenya.Sugal Abdow: Mitha kaley waxan leyaxay ilmaxa aboxoth lagathiley ama xolaxotha lagadameyey.Translator: The other thing is , the children, or the parents who have been killed from the time of emergency.Sugal Abdow: Chiefka iyo DO yasha wey ogyixin dhadka ath udamathey.Translator: The chiefs and the local elders and all the people who have died,Sugal Abdow: Dhadki agaga axay dhowlad wax xauqawato.Translator: the Government must compensate for those people.Sugal Abdow: Lacag xalasi madaxayi lakini ilmaxa iskulka xalagabixiyo.Translator: If it cannot compensate then, they should give free education to their children upto University.Sugal Abdow: Ninki ey risas martey o jifana dhowlad lacag xasiso.Translator: If one has become disabled, during that time, then the Government must also take care of that person andstudents.

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