constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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89Translator:The flag is uniform, it is there, and the ID card is uniform.Fatuma Hamed: Waxan rabna ilamaxa aqristen oo iskulka kolkey dameyan on kudibono oo dhowlada lacagti ey lexeth eywathaqorantaxay oo markey mitixan lagaqatho ey tathanayan.Translator: We can address this issue by creating job opportunities for our children who have attained certain education level.Fatuma Hamed: Ilmaxa odan xal macalin umadigin iski maskaxna maaxa.Translator: children have different abilities, and I assume that many children can be performing well in the exams.Fatuma Hamed: Waxan daqana xolax ananga.Translator:we are also pastoralistsFatuma Hamed: Waxa uwathaqoran ilmexena wexey kkuwatha aqristen odan oo dhowlad ey nagulethe.Translator: and we have got poor market for our livestock, and the Government wants us to pay the school fees and upto nowwe are owe a lot of money.Fatuma Hamed: Wey ilayartexe wax laleye cunug bey dhowlad kabixisey lacag maarag.Translator: the Government is not paying any fees for any child.Fatuma Hamed: Meshan an jogno biyaxa wa mashin.Translator:where we stay we get a water system from a machine, a borehole,Fatuma Hamed: Xola yan istacmalna wara yana dameysey.Translator:the livestock have been swept away by the drought.Fatuma Hamed: Lama arko plot oo faresh kasuran yexe.Translator: we have no piped water system.Fatuma Hamed: Kmabathno inta afka dhadka ey caban.Translator: there is little water and that is just for domestic support.Fatuma Hamed: Xathii xolixi dib ey udamathen oo wixi ey cunayen u on dameyey.Translator: if the animals have been swept away by drought and because of lack of water,Fatuma Hamed: Waxan ubaxnen iney dhowlad xolaxa ey biyaxa ugoiso o nalasiyo boyath oo musacitha nalogadigo awartan.Translator: we wish the new Constitution to put into recognition water system through water tanks for the people in the

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