constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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88Translator: The graves of my grandfather and my grandmother are within this country.Fatuma Hamed: Aniga xalkan ban kudashey.Translator:As I talk to you, I’ve been born here.Fatuma Hamed: Aqli waxan sogarey maalinti dhowlada wey imani nalalaxay ima yanaxaye ndegetha thawatha gathuthne eyimaneysey.Translator: the time of independence we were seing a plane had a red mark at the back.Fatuma Hamed: Rer bathiya yan axay farna maaqanin.Translator: I was in Badia those days, that is the reserve and I never knew I how to read and write.Fatuma Hamed: Abaxey wujogaye dibki ingiriska udhadka kuxayey bunogashekeini jirey.Translator: My father used to tell us about the problems that the colonial Government has done to us,Fatuma Hamed: Lagayawa jelexathixi malintas garen in ey ila xatha kuyalan.Translator:first was the injuries he sustained during those days are still with him.Fatuma Hamed: Waxa nalogushekeyey anagaoo ilma eh dhowlad ya dalaneysa.Translator:we were told when that time that is the Government of independence that is going to be born.Fatuma Hamed: Dhowlathiansogarney anagi iyo walalexey ana aqris waxba kaaqonin oo rer b athiya dhadka xorey ba exen.Translator:and by brothers and sisters have not been educated and they are illiterate.Fatuma Hamed: Asagi nadaley ayan aqris iyo istacmal fican an kuxaisana.Translator: It is now that the children that we have given birth to are the people who are getting education.Fatuma Hamed: Xathana manaxelin sithan rabney.Translator: and up to now we have not got what we expected from the independent state.Fatuma Hamed: Waxan rabna dhowlada thuceithi malinti karka lagoinayey, anaga mana arkin dhowlada kenya ges beynagajirta.Translator:Since that, after the birth of independent Government we have not seen a nation that is addressing our issues.Fatuma Hamed: Banderathi waislamit karkana wa islamit.

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