constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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84should be replaced by coming up with a sustainable project like, like we have got a lot of resources, water. Last time when itrained there was a lot of water around this area, if we would have ____ (inaudible) that water, and we would have come upwith a very big dam, and established irrigation around there, I think that would have eradicated poverty.The other thing, Mirco Credit schemes, enterpreneurship education: these people are purely Muslims and infact they discourageor, even the religion does not allow the issue of interests. If these people are given funds, which is interest free, I’m sure theywill be able to repay and you will have that fund as a revolving fund in the province. I’m sure it would have been of much use.Thank you.Com. Lenaola: Baada ya councilor tutamuita Fatuma Hamed.Yusuf Abdaah: My name is councilor Yusuf Abdaah, I would like to say about the system of Government, I would like topropose the unity resystem of Government whereby we will have only the President, and I propose for 2 chances for VicePresident. We will have two Vice Presidents, one should be given to the muslims, and the other one should be given to womenbecause muslim have higher population, we are almost 9 million and the women likewise. I would also like to propose that thePresident should have at l<strong>east</strong> 25% from every province.The other thing I would like to say is the Chief Khadhi should have a structured court like any other court in Kenya which dealswith civic suits, domestic violence, and children’s rights. The Chief Khadhi also should have a law in the Kenya school of lawon top of Islamic law. Also as muslims we would also like to have an interest free bank in the country and the Chief Khadhi’scourt should be the same as Chief Justice’ court. For local authority, we would like to have local authority service commission,to employ the chief officers in local authority where by now they are employed by Public Service Commission. In regard tothat, because these chief officers are in the local authority, and now when they bring certain corruption, the councilors have nopowers to chase them because they are not employed by the same council which is paying them.I would also propose that there should be no acting capacity for the chief officers in all local authorities. There should beconfirmed chief officers. For councilors, they should be minimum form 4 and above.For land, you know we have three types of lands in Kenya, one is the Government land, the private land, and the trust land.We as North Easterns, our land is called trust land, and now it is being said the county councils are the trustees, but now theproblem here is the county council have no say about this trust land, it comes under the OP, because the provincialadministration just decides the way they want. The plot allocation chairman is the DC, he just calls for a physical planner, hecalls for the clerk to the council, they just sit in his office and they decide the way they want. The following day you seesomebody having a title deed, then later the community blames here and says the town councilor should be slammed of whichthe councilors were not aware. So now we want the administration not to have a say in trust land and the land should be

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