constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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80torture you are undergoing, you have to go to Somalia, purchase a gun and then give it to the Government.Ramla Haji Yussuf: Rag an dalin ba jogan oo rayaxa bir logaqabtey.Translator:There are others who have almost barren, who do not give birth, some men.Ramla Haji Yussuf: Dhadki thagana ya shufta nalagadigey anaga oo shufta waligen arkin oo rer kenya ehy.Translator:They have been made immigrants without a nation, in their own nation.Ramla Haji Yussuf: Somali Nporth Eastern xathan naxay canathka in nalagaqatho yan rabna.Translator:I’m requesting the commissioners to put that in writing, that operation should come to an end.Ramla Haji Yussuf: Gebdexena somallitha wax wey bartan.Translator:Our girls perform well in schools,Ramla Haji Yussuf: Xath meshan gewer somali nogumajirta.if you look at the commissioners and those people that have come, none of them are coming from this area.Ramla Haji Yussuf: Markan aqris nalamageinen wanalarewi anaga somali xathan naxay.Translator:It is not because we are not educated to that level, we are, but it is because of the disparity distribution of theresources.Ramla Haji Yussuf: Anaga kenya in an kutharsano yan rabna.Translator:We think that we should be put into the main stream Kenya.Ramla Haji Yussuf: Aiga xathalkeiga intas yan ogabexey.Translator:I think I’m through with thatCom. Yano: Kuna jambo umesema kuhusu, kusema kuwa mama akipata mtoto nje ya doa, yeye auawe na pengine akifanyausherati pia, apatiwe ama apigwe viboko mia moja, na je kwa yule mume alimpatia mtoto, mtampatia yeye punishment gani?Translator: Waxa lagudaxay sithiath sheg nagata laqawo oo macsiya gashe in lathilo tii an laqawin boqol jethal lagudufto, ninkinagta itha exeth rimiyey sithe layela?Ramla Haji Yussuf: Asaga walamit.Translator: She is saying that, the same applies to men also.Comm: Baraza: Nataka uniambie uko na maoni gani kuhusu kutairishwa kwa wasichana - FGM.Translator: Gebdaxa laguthayo maxath kalethaxay.

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