constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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68Kenya eh.Translator: The indepedence was like a camel that has given birth, so if it gives birth you must be getting the milk but thenunfortunately, we have not received the milk from the independent that we won.Abda Adawe Hassan: Welliget anaga canexetha manarkin.Translator: We have never seen the fruits of independence.Abda Adawe Hassan: Waxan motheyney dhowlad xathey dalateyna kigeskas jirey iyo kiinta jogey iney iskumit yixin oiskuxaq xiyin yan mootheyney.Translator: And we thought after independence, we would be benefiting from the independent Government in all aspects, inall parts of the country.Abda Adawe Hassan: Manoconin ee North Eastern gathal yalorewey xaquq malex, xaq malex yalayrii.Translator: Then unfortunately, the Northern people have been left behind, they have been suppressed, they have beentotured, they have been told that they have no right in the independent Government.Abda Adawe Hassan: Waxa kuguthalil eh ini dhad laosxateyey mel lagakeney oo babur lagusogurey ini thab lamariyey.Translator: So because there are incidences of people who have gathered together have been killed massively.Abda Adawe Hassan: In xolixi iyo dhadki lajireybo lalainayo.Translator: People and animals have been killed.Abda Adawe Hassan: Taas yan somarney.Translator: We have seen that andAbda Adawe Hassan: Xathi an xathli lexein ninki xathlowo walatoganeye.Translator: If you would have given an evidence you were told if you talk you would be shop.Abda Adawe Hassan: Wan amuseyney.Translator: Be quietAbda Adawe Hassan:Xatha xaqi ya Ilaxey dambaley.Translator: It is time now has come, that we are told to give our views.Abda Adawe Hassan: Xathi xaqa Alla dambaley wan xaltheyna wixi dibna wan shegeyna.

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