constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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66I would have wished to say something on the transfer of power but ……..Comm Baraza: Thank you for your presentation. You did say that we should reduce the number of policemen and army fromthe province, it is because they are unresponsive to the needs of the province or - I don’t know, I want a clarification on that,because I don’t know if your condition is very much different, like a place like Moyale, where infact there is a shortage.Personally, I’m quite keen on this, because we have to design a security structure within the Constitution. And then the issue ofdifferent uniforms, you said because they wear camouflage, they lack that evil to the mwananchi in North Eastern Province. Letme just have that clarification.Hassan: Well I think when I was suggesting about the securiy problem, I said that we arm the locals and to reduce the numberof policemen and army. My feeling is that the army and the police are unresponsive towards what is happening. We havesituations in this place where there is banditry, there is an attack somewhere, and the response is very slow, or doesn’t comeup. I feel, on the other hand a lot of the resources allocated, in this province, goes towards security, so its my feeling that if wearm the locals, at different points in the province or in the district, they can take the place of these army or these police, that’son the line of insecurity.Your other question was on the uniform of the police. I think by wearing the camouflage, one disadivantage, if a policeman isbrutal, if a policeman beats somebody or rob someone, we cannot report straight like we can do on the other parts of thecountry, because it doesn’t have a number touch. Secondly, the whole appearance of that camel frige uniform, create adifferent phsychological outlook on the policeman, because he is not a police in my sense, he looks like an army, somebodywho is incompact.Mukutar Robo: Ningeonelea, niongee juu ya vitu vichache.Ya kwanza hii ya Khadhi’s court, ya pili education, ya tatu, na roads in Northern Eastern Kenya, screening card, emergencylaw in Northern district. Parliamentary and Local Government elections, citizenship.Nitaanzia na Islamic Khadhi’s court. Tunataka Khadhi apatiwe uwezo kama ma-Khadhi wengine.Elimu: tunataka Serikali itupatie free education, form 4 to university.Mambo ya livestock, sisi tukiwa watu wa North Eastern na Eastern Province, tunatumia mifugo, hatuna shamba, tunataka sokoya wanyama, na pia barabara ya kusafirisha.Screening card ile yote wenzangu waliongea, sio kitu cha kawaida, mbeleni hatukuwa na screening card hapa North Eastern.Tunapatiwa screening card ambayo tunaona hii iondolewe kabisa. Haitusaidii kabisa.

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