constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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65away with, this to me the way I feel, they don’t represent any special interest groups. Instead I would suggest those seatsshould be added as constituencies in the different parts of the country, either considering population or geographical expands ofthe areas. I also feel that there should be something put in the Constitution, a clause or something put in the Constitution, whichcontrols the defection of MPs from one party to another in the lifespan of the Parliament. Of course we have seen memberslook only at their pockets, they defect from on e party to another, it has been very common. Something should be put into thenew Constitution to stop these defections.Now I suggest the formation of a Government of national unity preferably based on the lable state, the way Mandera called itand the birth of south Africa where parties will be given a share in the Government on the percentage of the votes they get.And lastly on the lagistrature, I propose that the President should not have vetter powers to vett a bill, it is becoming a law,once it has passed through all the procedures, that’s required in Parliament. Now on the judiciary, the Chief Khadhi should haveequal qualifications to all other magistrates and judges in this country. There should be no shortcut to it. The Chief Khadhi’scourt should be empowered by the Constitution to dispense justice in line with Islamic sheria for the Muslims, and I think thatshould be considered as part of the new Constitution. On local Government, I propose that mayors and council chairmenshould be elected by the people through universal superlight where everybody votes for them in that region and the term of suchleaders should not be 2 years but I suggest they should be given 5 year term so that they are able to pass new and implementpolicies in that period.Basic rights - I think as people live in allied regions, whose economic backbone is livestock, which are usually foundable topersistent draught, the Constitution should guarantee a fair distribution of national wealth. Here I suggest the affirmative actionshould be extended in the sharing of national resources. And I feel in the same light that to come up to other levels, of thecountry, people from this province, should be given a free and compulsory education up to at l<strong>east</strong> ‘O’ level.Lastly I should suggest we should have a uniform Constitution, which applies to all Kenyans equally. Here I mean the issue ofscreening cards which I think people have talked about at large, from the beginning I feel it was not a noble idea, and I feel itshould be done away with, and I feel even sometimes those who started it should apologise to the people of North Eastern forwhatever it has caused, and on the same (I’m sure you must have seen for the commissioners who have come to North Easternfor the first time, even the uniform of our police post is different, while there are budge wearing, the rest of the country they havetags here we have camouflage uniform for our police post) this shows somehow there is no equality in the Constitution when itcomes to some regions of this country. Here natural resources I will again suggest special attention should be given to thisregion as a disadvantage region.Lastly I will say fair marketing procedures should be outlined in the Constitution, with special emphasis given to our animals.Thank you,

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