constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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64ten years and above, and have been living with good conduct in the country, and prefer to be Kenya citizens, should also beaffected to be citizens. And I feel the same issue; identity cards should be enough to establish whether one is a Kenyan. Allother things I think, especially the issue of screening cards which have been talked about is irrelevant because it shows whethersomebody is a citizen or not.On the national security, it is my feeling that the President should remain the commanding chief of the armed forces and chiefexecutive of the country but I suggest that, in terms of emergency like, when the national security is at stake, or there is animpending war, there should be an advisory council that should be put in place to advise the President on such matters. On thesame security, I would suggest, that in Northern Kenya where we live, if security have become a problem, it has ___ (inadible)the development for quite sometime, I believe that this is as a result of the spirit height picture that has been created right fromindependence, North Eastern is incapable, it is inexperienced, and I think the coming of the commissioners will aplain to NorthEastern province to the effect of that mistery. If they are allowed free movement like the rest of the country, they will have seenthe problems that people are in. So, to correct that, I suggest that on the all barriers should be removed from North Eastern,we have every village you go to in North Eastern Province like Arabia here, or wherever you go, you find that there isaroadblock, a police barrier, that hightens the insecurity secretion, and if possible, I would suggest that the locals should bearmed and to reduce the number of the police and army in the province.Now on political parties, while knowing the fact that the reasons of many political parties enhances the feelings of democracy inthe country, I should work noting that many small parties can always be manpulated by the bigger ones, and I’m sure in Kenyawe must have seen that over the years since the introduction of the multi-party era in 1992, small parties have been manipulatedby the bigger ones, and sometimes we have seen absorption, merger, all these, taking places. So in the light of this, I suggestthat parties should be splitted to either 2 or amaximum of 3 so that these smaller ones are ___ (inaudible) and not compromise.On the structures and systems of Government, I believe the existing utility systems of Government, in which all the affairs of thestate are controlled by the central Government should be retained, and I’m saying so because the utility system of Governmentbearing in mind the casual diversity that is present in Kenya, and different ethnic groups that live in this country, this utility systemof Government brings about unity, peace and coalition and I think it should be reserved.On the regislature, I suggest that there should be a mechanism set in place, which allows Parliament to vett all seniorappointments, including, ministers, PCs, parastatal chiefs, judge, all those senior positions in the Government. There should bea system put in place which vetts. The President could appoint them but there must be a system where Parliament can vett theappointments of those people, and I’m saying this so that the country can avoid recycling (I’m sorry to say sometimes the pressuse the recycling gabbage – somebody who is very much useful somewhere he feels he is being brought back to anotherposition) and the fact that this can be vetted, this also controls eccess powers and it also caps nepotism. ThenParliamentalians, their terms should be restricted to 2 terms of 5 years each. I also feel that nominated MPs should be done

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