constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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59Mohamed Abdinoor: Xathan naxay 25% support yan sineyna.Translator: If we are Kenyans then the issue of 25% should be put in the Constitution, its already there, and we support that.Mohamed Abdinoor: Mitha kale anaga waxan naxay xola daqata.Translator: We are pastoralists,Mohamed Abdinoor: Xolaxena dhad kale ya kafaitheysta.people benefit from our lifestocks,Mohamed Abdinoor: Xata xilibka iyo maqara naftotha dhad kale yakafaitha.the hides, the skin the meat that we take, other people are the major beneficiaries.Mohamed Abdinoor: Sothan iyo sithatha sana kenya xolaxa ey cuneysey anaga lex.Translator: 38 years of the independence, the Government of Kenya has been eating our meat, from North Eastern Province.Mohamed Abdinoor: Bunka iyo shaxawa mel balageyaye.Translator: If they can market the coffee and the tea,Mohamed Abdinoor: Dhadkaeina rer bathiyo.why can’t they benefit from their livestock?Mohamed Abdinoor: Factori maqar manalosubini wayey.Translator: Why can’t they service hides and skin factories?.Mohamed Abdinoor: Mel an xilibkena kadofsano manolayeliwayey.Translator: why can’t they establish for us a place where we can make it for export?Mohamed Abdinoor: Wadhamaxa kalewo waloyelaye.Translator: if there are such institutions in other countries.Mohamed Abdinoor: Marka intas yan warkeiga kusogawinaya.Translator: Thank you very much.Mohamed Ibraham Omar: Mimi naitwa Mohamed Ibrahim Omar, chairman wa peace and development committee inMandera district. Ningependa kusema kwanza mambo ya usalama kidogo.Ya kwanza mimi nataka usalama katika Kenya, nguvu ya usalama wote uko kwa mikono ya President.Tunataka President aangalie wale watu wako nyuma yake, nguvu ya usalama ipunguzwe, apatie wale wako chini yake, sio aweakibeba peke yake.

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