constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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58Mohamed Abdinoor: Anaga dhad axan nomey xisawin.Translator: because they do not see that we are part of them.Mohamed Abdinoor: Xath imaten kenya xasho xanoqoto.Translator: If you have come, Kenyans should be one. Without any discriminationMohamed Abdinoor: Tan afarath waxa wayey dulka marki laxisabtamoTranslator: the fourth issue is, when we look at the land,Mohamed Abdinoor: North Eastern waxan naxay nambarki sathaxath.dul weyninka.North Eastern is the 3 rd largest province in the re<strong>public</strong>.Mohamed Abdinoor: dulkena xatha Mandera East kali.Translator: Mandera East if we look at it,Mohamed Abdinoor: Waxan kufarxi lexein ithinko gari kusowarego.I would have been pleased if you would have gone round and see what it is made up of.Mohamed Abdinoor: Mark wax population ladaxo yanolaracin.Translator: We are not advocating any one time for population for ourselves.Mohamed Abdinoor: Land ini naluguxisawo yan rabna.Translator: We want the land to be catered for, there should be effective representation in Parliament.Mohamed Abdinoor: Xathi anaga an rer kenya naxay oo runn eh.Translator: We are Kenyans and we are true Kenyans.Mohamed Abdinoor: Population yanaloracine xanolaraco land.Translator: If we are Kenyans and we are true Kenyans, we don’t want population, like any other Kenyan we equally need______ (inaudible) like other Kenyans, the focus should be on land and not on population.Mohamed Abdinoor: Thorasha mathax weyna marki lagaro.Translator: If we come to the election of the President,Mohamed Abdinoor: Anaga kenya ya naxay.xathana exen. Mesha xanalagabixiyo.if we are not Kenyans, let them remove us from the list or so

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