constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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57Mohamed Abdinoor: Fail wixi daitha North Eastern keney.What has caused the failure in Eastern province?Mohamed Abdinoor: Segrigation bey ilataxay aniga wax kale umaarki.Translator: I believe it’s the issue of segrefation, just like other things, discriminationMohamed Abdinoor: Taa itha waxan rabna ini nalagailaliyo.Translator: We want the Government to look into that, the Constitution to look into it.Mohamed Abdinoor: Xathi nalosubini karo anaga meshana ama Garis okale nalogusubini karo. Xanalogusubiyo.Translator: If the Government can establish and an depend on the examination system in North Eastern province, we willprefer soMohamed Abdinoor: Mitha sathaxath waxa wayey. North Eastern wexey qabta lawa kar.Translator: The third issue is, North Eastern has got two cardsMohamed Abdinoor: Kenyatha kalana lawa kar bey qabta.while other Kenyans have got only one card.Mohamed Abdinoor: Anaga somali xathan naxay xola yan sumath kudigna.Translator: As we Somalis we brand our animals,Mohamed Abdinoor: Anaga xoli lasumathaye yan naxna North Eastern.but here, we Somalis have been branded.Mohamed Abdinoor: Kenya wexey qabta wathama kale sithi Maasi tha okale oo Tanzania lajirto.Translator: There are other Kenyans who stay in different nations like the Maasais who stay in Tanzania nd Kenya,Mohamed Abdinoor: Jalwa Uganda bey lajirta.Luos are both in Uganda and Kenya.Mohamed Abdinoor: Inta qawilaxa kale xata wexey lajirta xata Turkana wexey lajirta Sudan.Translator: Turkanas are in Southern Sudan,Mohamed Abdinoor: Anaga kaligen wixi kar nalogugoyey.Translator: when it is so, why should the Government put in place screening cards?

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