constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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51rich who pursue, the poor are reduced to hardsboys, waiters and housegirls. So there should be free education for all,both in primary and in secondary schools.2. The other one also: I’m of the opinion that the Government should undertake the construction of the schools, unlikecurrently where it is the responsibility of the wananchi to construct their own schools, to fund the construction of theschools. Because the <strong>public</strong> or the wananchi are very poor, they cannot meet the cost of constructing a school, andthey end up not having a school, and remain ignorant.3. the other one, I am of the opinion that MPs should have terms of office, just as there are for the President. May be 2Parliamentary terms as maximum so that at l<strong>east</strong> all Kenyans will get exploited, and we will get to know of their talents.4. The other one is also I’m for the idea that councilors should have a minimum of O’ level certificates, unlike currentlywhere people from the bush, claim to be councilors and they cannot address the problems of the wananchi in the office.5. I’m also for the idea that the Government should provide free medical facilities, since the purchasing power for thepeople living in this area is low, and they connot be made to contribute towards the so called cost sharing that isnormally taking place in the district hospitals. The poor are likely to remain, when they get sick, they stay at their homesonly to wait for death since they cannot meet the cost sharing charges.6. I’m also of the opinion that the Government should enact laws to stop wildlife menas. Compensation to the victims ofwildlife should be as follows:For a person, both men and women - 1,000,000Camel - 30,000Goats - 3,000And this amount will also vary with the market as the market price increases then you don’t expect the amount or thecompensation for a camel to remain 30,000 so obviously its going to increase in the cause of time. So its also going tovary.I’m also for the idea that marketing of livestock and livestock products, should be provided by the Government. Marketingbranches should be opened in our district headquarters just as there are in other parts of the country.The other one also is, the Government should prohibit the sharing of resources and jobs on tribal lines but on individualachievements and qualifications.My last one is, any person who is guilty of mismanagement, and misuse of <strong>public</strong> funds, should be apprehended and brought tojustice.Derow Maalim: My name is Derow Maalim, I would like to tackle some few topics.I would like to start with education. I’m appealing for free education from primary to university. I wish the Government wouldintroduce mobile education, for pastoralists, we have books on pastoralists’ life, so why not also start normal education in

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