constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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50cow 15,000 and chicken 10,000.Free education: we must have free education, since we don’t have the animals that used to pay for school fees, and you will seeseveral dropouts from schools.Free medication: medication should be free also because we cannot acquire the medication and so on.Roads: poor infrastructure during the rainy season, we really suffer, on roads and we don’t have an ---------- (inaudible) totransport our goods or to bring for us.Empowerment of Chief Khadhi: this Chief Khadhi must be empowered because, as we are Muslims here. In this part of thecountry, we are bound by the religion, we are run by the religion, so the Chief Khaadhi must have his powers.Citizenship: as other Kenyans, we must have proper citizenship, on IDs, passports, and birth certificates. You apply for a birthcertificate and then it shows that it cannot prove that you are a Kenyan citizen.Screening: these screening cards should be abolished completely, because it is discriminating us from other Kenyans.On the disabled: the disabled are forgotten completely, so we would like them to be seen also.On the FGM: it has been claimed by some of our members, we abide by the religion and our religion forces us to make thiskind of circumcision or whatever, we cannot leave our religion and it should be there.On elected members: these elected members are known for making several promises during their campaigns, and as soon asthey get the seats, they forget about the promises they made. So we would like as we have the powers to take them to theseat, we must have the power to remove them from the seat again in 2 to 3 years time, if they don’t fufill our promises.With that, I’m through.Com. Baraza: Whom do you pay the water bills to?Ashm Abdi: Some other organizations who put diesel to the machine, and then as we are livestock keepers, we have to buythat diesel.Com. Lenaola: Ibrahim Gari.Ebrahim Gese: I’m Ibrahim Gese, a teacher at a place called gali,My opinion to the Constitution review commission:1. The Government should provide free education in primary and secondary schools. Education is as though it were foronly the rich. Education for the poor is only limited to primary school, and after completing primary schools, its only the

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