constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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48somebody gets an injury and the same disease may be activated. You would like to get some drugs. So giving this person theamount when he is going to 60, 50, I don’t think its going to work. My recommendations are that, the money be paid on thespot so that the person actually benefits.The other one is, insecurity: the commissioners have been hearing about security, but where is this security? Is it within ourselvesor is it outside? It is from the war torn Somalia, there is no law, guns are in the arms of bandits, they have guns illegally. Thewananchi go in search of water and good pasture, ladies are raped, innocent people have lost their lives. Whose duty is it nowto defend the wananchi? I belief it’s the Government’s, starting from the department of defence, the police should not beblamed alone, it’s the department of defence.One major change may be I would like to request is that the department of defence, i.e the military, we have an OCS inMandera district, but in the case of banditary, and such things like the shiftas, you will find that OCS who will tell you, “unless Iget instructions from the department of defence in Nairobi”, when he is seeing somebody, a lady is raped. I think these thingsshould be brought closer, the OCS should be given instructions so that he takes the necessary actions on citing the same insteadof ringing to Nairobi get it instructions from the commandant.Thirdly, if that it cannot be, it is my request that the locals be armed, be vetted, and be given guns, i.e if the police and themilitary cannot be able to do anything: because it is not a war between a country and a country. There are cases wherebypeople have business, they have wealth, and may be somebody due to other indifferences, he fears for his life. People arecrying for firearm certificates, particularly in this North Eastern Provinces. Firearm certificates have become very difficult, evenif somebody is trustworthy,and he has all the qualifications, that there is no single case, that somebody has been given a firearmcerficate. Reasons, may be best know to others.The issuance of the ID card, is actually there, the screening card is there. The commissioners have also asked a question, insome cases it is because of the border. If I may mention, it is not only we who are bordering Somalia or Ethiopia, we haveUganda, we have the Luos, they are not Kenyans, when they come to Kenya, do we give them screening cards? We don’t.(inaudible interjection from Com. Baraza)We have the Sudan, there are people who are refugees in Kenya, Masaais, they don’t get the screening cards, so we believewe are very much discriminated. My recommendations are that the same screening cards be waived. Let the elders decidewho is a Kenyan and who is not a Kenyan, because even after bringing these screening cards, the aliens still get their IdentityCards through other ways, other dubious ways.The other one is, we feel very much oppressed, not only on the issuance of Identity Card. If you come to birth certificates, youwill find that even that is more complicated. We are told to bring a screening card, you are told to bring the parents birthcertificates, may be you lost your father some years back, before Kenya became independent, so many complications. When

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