constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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47Hassan Bilo: Biyaxisana wey yaryixin.and the borehole has no much waterHassan Bilo: Waqtikastawa waxa dactha awar.Translator: its unfortunate this place in most cases, there is drought, there is no rain.Hassan Bilo: Dhadka wa rer gura xolana wey iska baayin.Translator: unfortunately due to the lack of rain, people lose their livestock.Hassan Bilo: Qofki asaga axay oo xolixi kabeen yalaleye lacag ken.Translator: then on losing their livestock again, when somebody is poor they ask for money again.Hassan Bilo: Waxan rabna dulka biyaxetha nolasaithiyo oo nonal free nalasiyo oo matorana nalasiyo.Translator: recomendations are that people should be given free water.Type…………Mohamed Hussein: The first thing I’m Mohamed Hussein, One point I would like to raise to the commission is that most ofthe people in this area are illiterates. As a Kenyan citizen one must first of all know the law. In this case although nobody_____ (inaudible) from learning the law, most of them do not know the law. Its my suggestion that from early primary upto theuniversity, people be let to know the law, i.e. we should have teachers in the first place.2 nd thing is wildlife – we have wildlife: innocent people have actually lost their lives, either because of hyeba menace, lions,crocodiles when people go to fetch water. You will find that when one kills wildlife, the game department, actually, they are onour neck. The lives of the human beings is not valued the way the lives of wildlife are valued. This one, its my recommendationsare that wildlife be controlled by the department concerned, and workmans compensation be given to the relatives of thedeceased persons.One other thing which has actually not been mentioned, and which is even more worse than people who have been eaten bywildlife, is that there are civil servants who by virtue of their employment, they have been involved in road accidents, and theyhave got some permanent interferance, doctors have recommended, others are bedridden, but when you go for yourcompensation, one is told they are supposed to get the same amount of money after attaining the age of 55 years i.e. thepension for injury. I don’t find that to be proper because, at 55 years somebody is old, he/she will will not be able to doanything. If that sum of money is released to the same person, may be when he is still young, it will be able to assist him. Thereis no surety that this person even at attaining the age of 55 years he/she is going to get the money. So I think in some cases,

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