constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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44My second point is partcipatory governance – the Constitution to provide effective participation of all forms at all levels in thegovernance. The Constitution should allow Non-Governmental organizations to have a roll in governance and should undertakedevelopment and business necessities on behalf of the Government. The media should have rules governing its conducts also.The Constitution should institutionalize the roles of civil society organizations and should set up organizations or civic society.Women should have a share in governance through the Constitution, whereby they should be employed by the Government asper their education. They should not be undermined at all levels under any circumstance.The disabled should also have their own share in the Government through setting their own organizations where through themthey can get their employment. The youth should have to undertake governance also by their own organization.Minority groups and the elderly should also have their organizations that will raise their standards in the Government. TheConstitution should set up an organization to all groups which will provide for their rights and welfare, eg. in terms ofemployment.3 rd point is international relations: the conduct of foreign affairs should be the sole responsibility of the Government. TheParliament should have polls where dignitries are sent to foreign countries. The role of Parliament should distinguish from that ofthe Executive where the Parliament should have elected members for forein affairs in their own hands. Kenya should have lawand regulations made by regional organizations, so they have automatic effect on domestic law.The Legislature: the Government should retain the present system of Government in which the dominant party forms theGovernment. The multi party system should not be abolished but it should be there. The Parliament should have the powers toremove the President from office through vote of no confidence. The President should not have the powers to dissolveParliament. Its only his or her responsibility close the Parliament when elections are on the way.My last point is distribution of resources. The Constitution should provide adequately the resources of Kenya to all peoplenationwide. The Constitution should also provide development, strategies to all and for equal terms. There are several otherresources in Kenya eg. in North Eastern Province, there are a lot of unknown resources which can be done. For instance,there are a lot of petroleum deposits in NEP, which are not taken care of. I urge the Constitution to do something so thepeople of North Eastern Province can get their share in development. Thank you.Com. Lenaola: Maalim Abdulai, Hassan BiloMaalim Abdullahi Ali: Asalamu aleykum. Maalim Abdulahi AdenTranslator: He is Maalim Abdullahi Ali,

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