constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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42Translator: She says we women have done our best. The hall where we are sitted today, it is we together with our chief, whohave collected stones and who have built this room.Muslima Sheikh: Ilmixi ayaga oo iskulka an rafath oguaqriney ya waraqahotha nagayalan skulka Mandera Secondary.Certificate oo fiis ey nogaxiran yixin.Translator: after along struggle, the children have finished the school, they have completed their studies, but the certificates arebeing held in the school because of outstanding fees.Muslima Sheikh: Mithe kale ilmixi aqristen wexey qorey oguthurqi laayixn oo lacaglaan fiis oo kosaska ey kuathilaxayen.Translator: Those ones who have completed their O’ levels cannot be able to go for further studies or go to colleges due tolack of finance.Muslima Sheikh: Mithe kale ilmixi aqristen shaqa laan tharbi tharbi, kii aqristey xathu tharbi tharbi yaxay kikale athkathawagwini lexethna wuxu kudixi kanbo shaqa maxaiste aniga iskul maxath igudiwi.Translator: In absence of not getting an employment, the child after completing school, becomes an idler, and sits on thecorridors, so even the parents lose hope because there is no point of taking the second child to school, because he says this onehas not got a job where do I take the next one?Muslima Sheikh: Waxan rabna ini waraqaxa ilamaxa iskulka nalosothayo o dhowlada ey nagasamaxtho oo fiitha nogaxiran.Translator: She would like the certificates to be released to the children and out outstanding fees to be forfeited.Muslima Sheikh: Tetha kale waxan rabna ini screenig karka nalagathayo.Translator: the idea of the screening cards to be waived.Muslima Sheikh: Aniga diwathatheytha intas yaogubathan mithe kale mel wowi eh majogno ee niman lacag yeinin skulkakamasoqathano xal garjan diwatatha wathanka wath lasocotin.Translator: She says its unfortunate that there is no river here, we depend on borehole and they are charged and they are notable to pay for the water bills.Muslima Sheikh: Waxan rabna biyaxa ini nolasamaxo oo biyaxa an lacag laan kucabno.Translator: She also wants to take the water for freeMuslima Sheikh: Tan kale ispatalka tacab yanaguxaisata ninki jiratho thawa malex.Translator: there are no drugs at the health center, there are no drugs

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