constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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39The other one is political parties: I decided that political parties should participate development and join in the conducting of thereferundum. The Constitution in my opinion should replace the formation on a number of political parties. By that I mean, Isuggest 3 political parties only: one to form the Government, and the other two to check on the Government. I also suggest thatthe political parties should halfly be financed by the state and, the other other half they should finance themselves.The other one is citizenship - out of my own opinion, a Kenyan citizen should be regarded anybody who lived in Kenya before1963 and, any person born of such parents who live in Kenya. The other person I can regard as a citizen is a woman who ismarried by a Kenyan citizen, vice-versa to me shoud not be accepted, because it will bring lots of problems.(interjection: say the last one)The other one is Constitutional supremacy: I decided in the Constitution, Parliament amendment should be replaced withconducting of referendum just like this, and this referendum should be conducted by political parties and interested groups likethe organization of Africa Unity and the UN.Interjection: last point sir,Direct principals of the state policy – to air opinions, we need statements capturing the national philosophy and guidingprinciples in the Constitution. I propose the following principals, should be entitled in the Constitution:1. justice, 2. equality, 3.consultation, and liberty. I suggest that it is important to reflect respect for African values, in the Constitution and indeed theyshould be enforced to some extent.The last point is the need of a Preamble: to disclose my opinion as a Kenyan citizen I suggest that, a Preamble that contains thequality of life, freedom of all Kenyans in the country is necessary. The Preamble should reflect acceptable laws participated intheir making by all Kenyans in connection,just like this one. Thank you.Com. Baraza: Mohamed I interrupted you sorry, but I just want you to tell me the problems that would occur if a womanconfers citizenship on a foreign husband.Mohammed: I will give you an example, if a woman from <strong>mandera</strong> district marries a man from bulahawas he might bringammunition to the country.(inaudible conversation)Mohammed Mudi: I am a former form four.Muslima Sheikh: Asalamu aleykum. Muslima Sheikh Abdulahi, waxana xaisa diwata weyn o kark eh oo kar woriya lairahtho.Translator: she is also talking of a similar problem, she says there is a problem on screening cards, on the Somali screening

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