constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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37Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Mitha kale meshan xuthuth.Translator: There is a boarder here,Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Markasta shufta iyo wax badacan.there are banditry attacks,Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Xathi lacala xatha lasogalo oo risas ey dactho dhadka lugaxa qawo wey cararayinTranslator: if there is banditry attack, and then the bullets start, those who are well-of will help it, they will run away becausethey have the legs,Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Askarta kambigotha kamasobaxayin.Translator: the soldiers will not be able to leave their camp, they will just be staying in the camp.Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Qofka curiyanka eh macarari karoTranslator: A disabled man like him will not be able to run,Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Marka waxajirta qorya dhadka lasiyo oo home gurdka lasiyo.Translator: in other places there are people who are being given guns by the Kenya police reservits.Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Waxan rabna anaga ini nalatixgali oo xori an fadigena kuxelno.Translator: He should also like recommendations for him and others could be armed so that they can take care of their livesand their property.Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Mitha kale aniga dhowlada kenya waxba imeysin dhadka qarawathetha axa arigi ey isiyena warawa baigalainaya.Translator: On top of that, he doesn’t get anything from the Kenyan Government. He has been very fortunate he got somefew goats from relatives, and the same goats have been finished by hyenas.Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Wax xathana isoceliyey oo imagayo malaxa.Translator: And the same goats have been eated by hyenas, there is no compensation again.Abdulal Bilan Abdi: Intas yan shega e dhowlada xaloshego.Translator: That’s allCom. Baraza: Adulal abdi umesema ile shida yenye mnapata kama walemavu, kuna jambo lingine ama maneno yenye

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