constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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26And then the question of power, when you said, if the power was nearer, and that’s what many people think about. You knowwe are also leaders, we think as a country, if there was effective distribution of the resource, and Kenya being multi ethnic, andthat unity would have been very good for the country, but you see when others are always doing for themselves and other areasare not done, this is a question which comes above, about federalism - doing your own things. We think even if we were on ourown, we would have gone further, we would have better developments than now.But when you also think about Kenya, and we need to stay together, we are definitely telling Kenyans, if they were to distributetheir cattles and resources, and we think Kenya as the same, me I have no problem, I will represent them, but if it is the sameattitude that North Eastern is a place of nothing except problems, there is no need to do anything about it, and a lot of attitudeswhich are there, then other options come. After all, why don’t we do our own things? That’s what finally comes, but if we aretogether, and we are one family, and tomorrow if you can have oil in Arabia, its going to be a national asset and we are going tobe very rich. What is happening, no that’s what he is asking, what is happening?For the devoluation of power of course. My opinions are that the district or constituencies be strengthened. And that resourceis brought to the district and people in the district be given more power to say what they want to do with their resources. If it isa way of saying that we are not going to distribute our resources, like there are some people that are saying that everybodyshould get what he gets, then definitely you will see people going for federal and then there is no question about it. Let me havemy own livestock, even before there was no Government, and we are doing our own things together, let me think about it,(inaudible) they will fight for their own policies, that’s what is going to come. That is definitely the issue, that is going to come.It’s a matter as I have said we debating as Kenyans, we are multi ethnic, lets think together, unitary we would have been abetter option. But if the way we are thinking is everybody for himself, and God for us all, this is a resourceful area, thendefinitely you cannot avoid. I will tell you, let me have my own, let me have my pride, let me do my own things, have yourmoney, have your resources, have your coffee, forget about me, mimi nitakuwa na imani yangu. That is exactly what is going tocome, so let us have everything, which we have together.On the issue of screening, I know Kenya is one country, we must have the same rules, we should not have any discrimination,we are one people. I know what those people who have brought the idea of screening, what came about, we have Somalis onthe other side who we are the same, it’s a way to identify Kenyans as Kenyans, people from other areas are to identifythemselves, The original issue was a good idea, although it discriminatory, and somebody can see it’s unConstitutional. Whatcame out, the thing came briefly and it disappeared, many who are Kenyans have not got the ID as a screening card. Are yousaying those people are not Kenyans? Because everybody does not have them?2 nd , this is not a continuing issue like ID cards, then what came out after those ones have been born, whereas who have lostthose screening cards, we have nowhere to get them.All those things came, so people who are Kenyan citizens are denied theirrights. I think about 70% of the youth do not have ID cards. That’s why we are making this issue as very serious as we are

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