constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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24killed a lot; extra judicial, a lot; infact the whole of this province even there is no law firm. And there is a lot of human violation.A lot of time here, e.g. let me tell you, you the Wasomalis, we have a lot of security, those people are armed, Kenya peopleaccording to the law, no civilian is supposed to be armed. And those people have the arms, they come, they rape your women,they come and take your livestock, because there is no police in those areas, and then they go away with it: what happens?These are very serious issues, and if you would have known, I know there are ladies here, if you have the serious violations ofhuman rights, in this district, it is very much alarming.And then the other issue of the basic rights, we said 80% or even more people are below the poverty line. What I would say,Kenya must do everything possible to have good schools. The issue of good security, every Kenyan has a right to life, and hasthe right to live, when the drought come and because we cannot market our own livestock, we cannot sell them, we cannot doeverything, the infrastracture is not there, a lot of people die when there is serious drought, and yes every Kenyan has a right toaccess to food. The human rights are the rights of the world, and no lives should be lost because of food. So there must beenough food for every Kenyan,Com. Alice Yano: Mheshimiwa thank you very much for that wonderful presentation, you touched on the <strong>constituency</strong>boundaries, and you said that like your whole <strong>constituency</strong> is very very large, and you brought in the issue of population. Weknow very well that the deciding on <strong>constituency</strong> boundaries, the deciding factor is the population of that region, may be youmay not have that kind of population to warrant you as per the law that we have right now, to have the <strong>constituency</strong> divided, doyou suggest any other mechanism? Can I hear you very clearly on that, if the population has not worked to your advantage, isthere any mechanism you would suggest to this commission? AndSecondly, you also talked about the issues of development and marginalization, and you talked about the affirmative action.Our act also mandates us to look into the issue of devolution of power, and I was very happy when you really delved into it. Okyou taked about about federalism and you did not want to commit your self. Is there any other structure, let you not even call itfederalism, the structure that can ensure that power goes nearer to the people and that now you can manage your ownresources, using that kind of power. Like for example, you have talked about the livestock development, you think if the powerwas nearer to the people, could it have assisted you in developing your own resources? AndI heard this issue of screening of Somalis, may be I would want to hear much more from your side mheshimiwa.Mheshimiwa: Another question from you. Give the questions together then …….. may be I can answer both ….Com. Baraza: The one I’m asking - I will just have follow up to the the last question about the screening card - its quite anissue, we were in Moyale and Marsabit and its quit an issue, I can understand how people feel about it. But taking into account,the situation at the border, I think I would want your report on that but just to the people of Arabia. Tulikuja na ndege, sio kwaubaya, tungetaka tuwe na wanainchi tuone vile wananchi, tuone shida zao, tungekuja na magari lakini kama mnasikia haya

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