constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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23country. Then Kenya would get rich with equitable distribution of resurces. But if you have a budged of 200 - 300 billion, andfor 40 years, we do not have a bit of a tarmac for the whole province, that connects even district to district, even forget aboutdivision. You cannot market your livestock. As a Member of Parliament I cannot have effective representation because I can’treach my people. These roads are closed six months in the year, then what I’m I talking about?Do we say we belong to the same country? Where is that sense of building? There seems to be a lot of discrimination. Thenpeople say then why don’t we have federal and then probably if you have then we can have some sort of autonomous, then wecan have a policy, then instead of depending on policy makers in Nairobi and our ministers, if we have our own policy, then wecan sell our livestock, find other donors to come in. Then because we have now some sort of autonomy independence, we cando, this is the thinking of the people. But if we are in the same country, the same people, why should it be that people fromNorth <strong>east</strong>ern Province, they can send one child to universities and one district, like Kiambu or Rift Valley, they can send about300 students or 100 students from one school to the universities. Are we belonging to the same country?Its because we have not been given the resources, we have not been given any development or the basic infrastructures are notthere. When those schools are developed, like now I have a secondary school here, it does not have laboratories; they have nophysics teachers, mathematics teachers, all those teachers. Those students went there until up to form 4, how are they going topass? We are talking of industrialization, are our children from these areas going to compete with the rest of the country? Whenit comes to practicals, they do not have the equipments, they do not have the teachers, so, they will just present blank papers.That is what I was saying about it. (Inaudible nterjection by Com. Lenaola) I have many issues and I know I will presentthe papers the written which I will present to you, and then I will see if there other major issues, because I also want to giveothers time to think.I think what I see as important is infrastructure, even this thing is also very far away. When we talk about airports, we need amajor airport, because of security reasons. We are near the horn of Africa, and even for marketing, and even for feasibility.We need major airport also to be built. The time says, we have a problem in Somalia or Ethiopia, we don’t even have the roadnetwork. If these people come, and attack the people in Mandera, how will our ministry reach us? How will area supportcome? The roads are closed, how will it if there is no facility? So this is the thing, people you know I was thinking, if ithappens, we don’t even have a a link with the rest of Kenyans. Then how are we going to be protected?We just even take the security issue, if we have even to sell our livestock, we have the military, I know it is important forsecurity, it is a good idea, but right now the <strong>public</strong> is not using it. Even that airport, we use it for the general <strong>public</strong> so that wecan use it to market our livestock. We can have big planes coming there, put our mbuzis on them, sell to Europe, sell to MiddleEast, I think these are the major issues that we need to have major facilities.And the issue of human rights, the biggest human right violation happens in this province raping of women is a lot; people being

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