constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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18Sheik Tawane: Bilcanta dibkoi ogante kusokorisey oxin bey xaga kuladaci.Translator: The mother will just end up cryingSheik Tawane: Waxan jecelnaxay ilmixi ayaga axay ini lafiriyo oo laxananeyo oo dhowlada ey inda uyelato yan rabna xagataclinta.Translator: we want free primary education, for if there will be no free primary education, up to university level, then there hasto be that one for orphans,Sheik Tawane: Waxa kaley on kaxathli xaga agomaxi.Translator: The other one is the orphan issue,Sheik Tawane:Iyo xaga dhadki cawolka axay.Translator: and the disabled.Sheik Tawane: Dhadki saga axay xanana maqawo.Translator: Those people are not catered for well, by the GovernmentSheik Tawane: Athunkana xathi ladaxo ……(inaudible) wan ognaxay walaxananeya dhadka asaga eh.Translator: and because we listen to news, we always here that those people are taken care of.Sheik Tawane: Waxan rabna dhadka asaga eh oo masakinta iyo agonta axay iney dhowlada xananeyso.Translator: We want the Government to take care of the orphans and the disabledSheik Tawane: Waxa kale on kaxathla.Translator: The other one,Sheik Tawane: Xaga Councillor.Translator: councilors,Sheik Tawane: Waxan jecelnaxay anaga nin form 4 wax kaxoseyo iney exen an kujirin iney Councillor ey usoistagin.Translator: The other one he says the minimum qualification for a councilor should be a form 4 leaver.Sheik Tawane: Asagana meshas yan kagabaxay.Translator: The other one is thatSheik Tawane: Aniga dhad bathan yaigathambeya warkeiga wan sogawini lakini wax kale wan rawa.Translator: As much as I would like to speak, he says the other people have cut him short.Translator: Sual malaxa xaga tag.Com. Isaac Lenaola: Katar Nuru OmarKatar Nuru Omar: I’m called Katar Nuru Omar; I would like to talk about Islamic law.Islamic law must be included in the Constitution, Khadi should be extended to include civil suit, domestic violence. Faculty ofIslamic at Kenya school of law, i.e VON, presentation in the judiciary service commission.The second point I would like to talk about gender: All women cultural practices should be outlawed eg. FGM. 30% of the

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