constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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15he has to take care of them, that is the solution.Galoi Nuruo: Xadowna ilmixi markey qan garana itha iyo asaga umba kalagosani.Translator: because eventually, there is going to be a beneficiary when he gets the job.Commissioner: Ulianza na kusema kwamba ulienda Nairobi ukitaka kuwa member wa KANU, halafu ni nini ilifanyikahukumaliza, hukusema vizuriTranslator: Kanu yan utagey Neyrobi markath daxthey maxath rabtey.Galoi Nuruo: KANU Delegate yan axay.Translator: I went there as a delegateGaloi Nuruo: Dib makalakulmin lakini dulka an jogno in u dul larawin exen yan aragneydulkasna ini rawo.Translator: She says she has done some comparisons and she has known we are lugging behindGaloi Nuruo: Maalintas an mehsan tagayey afartan iyo kow distirig bey exeth xathana meqa distrig bey mari xaisa.Translator: she has seen there is a big difference.Commissioner: Sheik TawaneSheik Tawane: Sheikh Tawane ya laidaxa.Translator: He is Sheik TawaneSheik Tawane: Waxan xorta kabilawa anaga marki nolaimatho oo barsayalka nalogu imatho waxanala daxa waxa tixindhowlad.Translator: I will start by saying, when people start coming to us, people start saying, we are the GovernmentSheik Tawane: Dhowlathi itha exeth afka yanalogashegaye maaxane anaga manaarkin.Translator: The Government as it has been said, we do not see it in actionSheik Tawane: Wax nawarsathey onadaxay dhowladthi intey jirta ithinka kaqor manaarkin.Translator: and before you we have not seen people ask us where is the Government.Sheik Tawane: Xath waxan jeclani laxa dhowlada meshey jirto in an ithin sualo lakin xatha in an ithin sualo marawo.

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