constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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14Galoi Nuruo:Garisa inta xaga kajirto Kenya wa dul laaqonsanyexe oo xolexetha lagathanayo.Translator: In Garissa, the people are known and their livestock are marketableGaloi Nuruo: Xoli inta yalagaqumiyey melkastana anshur yalogaqathey.Translator: When we take our livestock on our way to Garissa, all these stations, in between, we pay revenue to everystation.Galoi Nuruo: Meshi ey xolixi kugumaqnayen daxtha yalagudixci athi waxba mawakugurin bo.Translator: sometimes we are even robbed by bandits.Galoi Nuruo: Qasarathas weyn ban qabna.Translator: we have all those problemsGaloi Nuruo: Xolaxa ila Gariss iyo Kenya losafriyo int yalagaqumiya.Translator: The animals that are taken to Kenya and Garissa are all taken from here.Galoi Nuruo: Waxan ubaxane dhowlada iney mel an xilib iyo xolaxa an kkugathano iney nofurto.Translator: it is our request that the new Constitution takes care of our place where we can market our livestock and a meatcommission. She wants to answer the question.Commissioner: Ungetaka namna gani?Translator: Cilimaga sitheth karabta.Galoi Nuruo: Ilmaxa ini shaqa nalosiyo yan rabna.Translator: She wants employment opportunities.Galoi Nuruo: Xathy iskulka dameyan.Translator: If they finish school.Galoi Nuruo: Mitha ilamaxa ninki xathu islanti furey in u ilmixi kudaqaleyo.Translator: We want our children, the father has to take care of the children,Galoi Nuruo: Wixi uxamalaye yana ilmaxa xaqa ayaga umbalex.

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