constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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13Translator: the mother has taken the children to school,Galoi Nuruo: Sithey canjera mel oguthuwi ama aqal nag ogudisi ilmixi standi 1 iyo 8 ila ey kadameya.Translator: With all obstacles, when they finish primary education,Galoi Nuruo: Ila xathana form 1 iyo form 4 daxthotha ilmixi xamal bey kukorisey.Translator: she takes them to secondary school without the problems againGaloi Nuruo: Cunugi fiis umaxaiso wax garab qawanayo malex.Translator: the child does not have fees, he does not have any other relatives to take care of him.Galoi Nuruo: Kii ilmixi kadaley mishar bu qathanaya.Translator: The father is earning and does not careGaloi Nuruo: Dhowlath umaqawaneyso.Translator: the Government does not take any actionGaloi Nuruo: Dhadki baathiyaxa jirey oo ninka qorawathisa eh wexey daxayan ninkan anaga bunagathyaxay tawar umaxaineislan yexey ilmaxatha xaiso.Translator: His relatives will tell you, “my friend, just take care of your children we cannot do anything with him”.Galoi Nuruo: Wax walbo canugu wubaqthey. Ninki waxey wathawo canugi mitixan buqatey form four-budameyey wubasey.Translator: The child completes secondary school,Galoi Nuruo: Xaga dhowlada shaqa kamaxaisto canugi asaga axay.there is unemployment again,he becomes a daily bird as the mother does not have a house.Galoi Nuruo: Chokora bunoqoni melaxa buiska tag taganxayax mul ey sehisana maqabto.Galoi Nuruo: Mitha kaley dulka an wadino wa dukeni.Translator: Our area is a dry land.Galoi Nuruo: Athunya yan kudaqana.Translator: lastlyGaloi Nuruo: Athunyathi xathan safrisano bec nomalex.Translator: livestock do not have any market

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