constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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109need the locals. The people, the locals that is, should have a distribution or allocation of trustland i.e the grazing land.And the last two points: we want previous grabbed trustland to be revoked. The Government should look into the welfare ofthe pastoral community. We also need a unitary aystem of Government.As for the councilors: in the new Constitution, the councilors, the minimum qualification should be form 4 leavers and above.For non-citizens there should be restrictions, they should not own land in Kenya. They should not stay without any permitwithin Kenya.As per security: the Government should give enough security to citizens. They should also reinforce and arm homeguards, i.ethey should have longer.My last one, the Chief Khadhi should be given full powers. The new Constitution should empower the chief Khadhi to deal withIslamic law.Bonaya Barakare: I’m Bonaya Barkare, representing Friends of Normads International which is a member to the NorthernRegion Development Forum.My recommendations actually are: colonialism, which divided the nations, the tribes, must be mentioned as part of the problemsof the pastoral communities. We have boundaries, between here, there is Somalis on this side and Somalis on the other side.Somalis in Kenya and Somalis in Ethiopia, Borans in Kenya, and Borans in Ethiopia, so, those are already nations, since theydivided us. The colonialism they should be blamed in the Constitution.And then dual citizenship should be recognized: People should be free to leave, go, move, the way they want, for those tribeswho live on boarders. And since 80% of land must be occupied by pastoralists, and in those pastoral areas, with all the gameparks and there are game reserves, and since there have never trikled down benefits from those tourism earnings, we want thegame parks and the game reserves be reverted back to the communities so that they reap the benefits.And I propose, regional Government whereby all the game parks and game reserves are managed by community institutions.Resource allocations from the revenue collected, i.e country revenue, should not be based on numerical strength, it should bebased on land mass. Land mass goes with resources, so reslurce allocation should go with numbers in this country.And the other one, pastoralism be recognized as a livelihood system, as a real livelihood system like cultivation. Then the otherone, we need abbatoirs, we need refregiration system for our marketing of livestock, preferably in each region and in eachdistrict.And land, trustland Act says that land belongs to the community, and at the same time the commissioner of land allocates lands,the President allocate land to anybody he wants, the councilor allocates, so there is a lot of confusion. The land should be fullyowned by the community. The community institutions which have traditionally have been managing lands, should manage their

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