constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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106Noor Ahmed: Xiligan wixi kathambeyo ki gewer xaleyo in an dhowlada gacanta ugalineyno.Translator: we want the commission to constitute a Constitution that will ____ (inaudible) any child who impregenants a girl.Noor Ahmed: Abixis oo xolaxa lagasoqatho, asaga oo jelka lagaliyo, boqol kiboko o lagudufto.Translator: the man should be put into jail, should be given a penalty of 500 canes and then the property of his father should bebrought to court.Noor Ahmed: Xiligan wixi kathambe gewer ninki xaleyo in an indaxa kaqabsaneyno.Translator: We want the Constitution to put 3 positions to have that clause.Noor Ahmed: Wan kabexey.Translator: That’s all.Com. Lenaola: Baada ya yasmin, Abigail HassanYasimin Ali: Since we are hearing the Constitution reforms, we would like to forward the following: one, girls are circumcisedby the parents without prior consent. We would like the Government together with our religious leaders to enlighten our ignorantparents to stop the bad practices.Second, after completing primary education, some parents force their daughters to be married. This destroys our futureprogress and consideration of further education. Stop early marriage.Three, we want also parents to give us equal rights, like boys, eg. Education, consideration of suggestions, etc.Our mothers and sisters always get hardship in delivery. This is due to lack of trained personnel and negligence from theGovernment or staff concerned. We want nurses, three in every division and the district as a whole.Com. Baraza: Hayo ni maoni mazuri. Wazazi wako na pesa ya kulipa school fees?Yasmin: YesCom. Lenaola: Abkad Lokatar,

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