constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet

constituency public hearings, mandera east ... - ConstitutionNet


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105Noor Ahmed: Looathina goryan bey kasoqathey.Translator: and the animals aquires a severe disease, that is liverfluNoor Ahmed: Anaga waxan kumaxmaxanaTranslator: There is a proverb which says.Noor Ahmed: Loothii wey jirate ur kethana tixiri ya galey.Translator: there has been liverflu disease, after I brought the animals from that end,Noor Ahmed: Kenya yan lasoathey.Translator:I have brought the animals to my country Kenya,Noor Ahmed: Kenya ya thawa lagawaiyin maqawin.Translator:I never thought there are veterinary drugs for my animals in Kenya.Noor Ahmed: Xathana thawa lootha bey waini ismadixin.Translator: and I never thought whether the Kenya Government will be lacking drugs for cattle.Noor Ahmed: Waxan rabna thawa fican oo xolixi qathato ini nalokeno.Translator: we want proper and relevant veterinary drugs for our animals, freeNoor Ahmed: Thawa fican ini nalokeno oo thawathan wey xun texe an ladixin.Translator: we want drug that will be able to treat the animals,Noor Ahmed: Thawa fican oo dhad iyo thunyawa in nalokeno yan rabna.Translator: we want provincial drugs for both animal and human.Noor Ahmed: Waaxa kale.Translator: the other thing is ,Noor Ahmed: meshan gebdaxa iyo wilkia dib ba kaimathey. Wax losheganayana malex sharciga xathi labathalayan awaxaladaxay diwata dig malex.Translator: there is a problem that occurs occasionaly between boys and girls, because there is a proverb which says that awoman gives herself to a man willingly, then she is not supposed to be compensated any thing.

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