A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan


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AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 35put <strong>on</strong> stench instead of sweet smell ; baldness instead ofwell-set hair ; burning instead of beauty. Worms shallmake their nests ia your breasts, and shall eat out thosewant<strong>on</strong> windovvs and messengers of lust; yea, rottennessand stench, slime and filth shall ascend and sit down in thevery thr<strong>on</strong>e of beauty, and shall dwell between your eyebrows."All this is very woful ; and yet there is a thousand timesworse. Besides all this, thou that now layest about thee forthe world and wealth ; for transitory pelf and rotten pleasures,that liest soaking in luxury and pride, and vanity,and all kind of voluptuousness, shall most certainly veryshortly lie up<strong>on</strong> thy bed of death, like " a wild bull in a net,tuU of the fury of the Lord ;" either sealing thee up finally inthe desperate senselessness of thine own dead heart, with thespirit of slumber for everlasting vengeance even at the door,or else exemplarily enragiag the guilty c<strong>on</strong>science up<strong>on</strong> thatthy last bed with hellish horror even beforehand. For ordinarilythe more notorious servants of Satan and slaves oflust depart this life either like Nabal or Judas ; though moreby many thousands die like hard-hearted sots in security,than in despair of c<strong>on</strong>science. If it be so with thee, then,that thine heart when th .u shalt have received the sentenceof death against thyself die within thee, as Nabal's " ; andmost comm<strong>on</strong>ly," saith a worthy divine, " c<strong>on</strong>science inmany is secure at the time of death, God in his justice soplaguing an affected security in life with an inflicted securityat death ;— 1 say, then, thou wilt become as a st<strong>on</strong>e,most prodigiously blockish ; as though there were no immortalityof the soui ; no loss of eternal bliss ; no tribunal inheaven ; no account to be made after this life ; no bsming inhell for ever. Which will make the never dying fire morescorching, and the ever-living worm more stinging, by howmuch thou wast more senseless and fearless of that fierylake into which thou wast ready to fall. " Death itself,"saith the same man, " cannot awake some c<strong>on</strong>sciences ; butno so<strong>on</strong>er come they into hell but c<strong>on</strong>science is avvakened tothe full, never to sleep more ;and then she teareth with, implacablefury, and teacheth forlorn wretches to know thatforbearance was no payment." But if it please God to takethe other course v/ith thee, and to let loose the cord of thyc<strong>on</strong>science up<strong>on</strong> thy dying bed ; thou wilt be strangled evenwith hellish horror up<strong>on</strong> earth, and damned above ground.That worm of hell which is a c<strong>on</strong>tinual remorse and furiousreflecti<strong>on</strong> of the soul up<strong>on</strong> its own wilful folly, whereby ithath lost everlasting joys, and must now lie in endless,easeless, and remediless torments, is set <strong>on</strong> work whilst

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