A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan A treatise on comforting afflicted consciences - The Digital Puritan

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!;24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGwhen they shall lie upon their last beds like " wild bulls ina net," as the prophet speaks, " full of the wrath of Godsaying in the morning, Would God it were even ; and ateven, Would God it were morning, for the fear of theirheart wherewith they shall fear, and for the sight of theireyes which they shall seel" I say, in what case will theybe then ? Then but my words do fail me here, andso doth my imagination. For as none knows the sweetnessof the spouse's kiss but the soul that receives it, soneither can any one conceive this honor, but he that suffersit. The Lord of heaven in mercy awaken them in the meantime with the piercing thunder of his sacred and saving word,that they may be happily frighted out of their amazed soulmurderingsloth, before they feel in hell those fearful thingswe so faithfully forewarn them ofTo rouse them out of this cruel carnal security, let thementertain in their most serious thoughts such considerationsas these : Consider,1. Why thou camest into this world. There is not somuch as one age past since thou layest hid in the loathedstate of being nothing. Above five thousand years weregone after the creation before there was any news of thee atall ; and thou mightest never have been. God hath noneed of thee : he gave thee a being only out of his ownmere bounty. Infinite millions shall never be, which mighthave been as well as thou. God's omnipotency is equallyable and active to have produced them as thee ; and noparts of that vast abyss of nothing can possibly make anyresistance to al mightiness. And besides being so, that thoumust needs have a being, there is not any creature that everissued out of the hands of God, but thou mightest havebeen that, either for the kind or for the particular. All isone to him, to make an angel or an ant ; to create thebrightest cherub or the most contemptible fly ; for in everycreation no less than omnipotency must needs be the efficient,and no more than nothius: is ever the object. Now what amiraculous mercy was this, that passing by such an unnumberedvariety of incomparably inferior creatures, he shouldmake thee an everlasting soul like an angel of God, capableof grace and immortality, of incorporation into Christ, andfruition of Jehovah himself, blessed for ever !Nay, and yet further, though thou wast to have thebeing of a reasonable creature, yet there was not an hourfrom the first moment of time unto the world's end, hut Godmight have allotted that to thee for thy coming into thisworld ; and therefore thy time might have been within thecompass of all those four thousand years, or thereabouts.

!AFFLICTED CONSCIENCES. 25from the creation until the coming of Christ in the flesh,when all without the pale and partition wall were withoutthe oracles and ordinances of God, and all ordinarymeans of salvation : or, since the gospel revealed under thereign of Antichrist, and then a thousand to one thou hadstbeen choked and for ever perished in the mists of his devilishdoctrines. What a high honour was this, to have thybirth and abode here upon earth appointed from all eternityin the very best and most blessed time, upon the fairest dayof peace, and, which is infinitely more, in the most gloriouslight of grace that ever shone from heaven upon the childrenof menAnd so of the place : be it so, that thou must needs be inthis golden age of the gospel and gracious day ;yet thy lot ofliving in the world at this time might have lighted ( for any partof the earth might have received thee where thou couldsthave set but thy two feet) amongst Turks, Pagans, Infidels;a whole world to Christendom. Or if thine appearing uponearth must necessarily be within the confines of Christendom,yet thou mightest have sprung up in the popish partsof it, or in the schismatical or persecuted places of the truechurch in it. It was a very singular favour that thoushouldst be born and bred and brought up in this littleneglected nook of the world, yet very illustrious by the presenceof Christ in a mighty ministry, where thou hast ormightest have enjoyed in many parts thereof the gloriousgospel of our blessed God, and all saving truth, with muchpurity and power.Now put all these together and tell me coolly, and after asensible and serious pondering thereon, dost thou think thatall this ado was about thee, all this honour done unto thee ;and, when all is done, thou art to do nothing but seek thyself,serve thine own turn, and live sensually ? Camestthou out of nothing into this world to do just nothing buteat and drink and sleep ; to game, walk in the fashion,and play the good-fellow ; to laugh and be merry ; to growrich and leave tokens of thy pleasure in every place ? Ifany, after so much enlightening, be so prodigiously mad asto continue in such a conceit, I have nothing to say to him,but leave him as an everlasting madman abandoned to thatfolly which wants a name to express it. Turn then thycourse for shame ; nay, as thou hast any care to be savedand to see the glory of the New Jerusalem, as thou desirestto look the Lord Jesus in the face with comfort at that greatday, as thou fearest to receive thy portion in hell fire withthe devil and his angels, even most intolerable and bittertorments for ever and ever,—at least in this thv dav, in thisD

!;24 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMFORTINGwhen they shall lie up<strong>on</strong> their last beds like " wild bulls ina net," as the prophet speaks, " full of the wrath of Godsaying in the morning, Would God it were even ; and ateven, Would God it were morning, for the fear of theirheart wherewith they shall fear, and for the sight of theireyes which they shall seel" I say, in what case will theybe then ? <strong>The</strong>n but my words do fail me here, andso doth my imaginati<strong>on</strong>. For as n<strong>on</strong>e knows the sweetnessof the spouse's kiss but the soul that receives it, s<strong>on</strong>either can any <strong>on</strong>e c<strong>on</strong>ceive this h<strong>on</strong>or, but he that suffersit. <strong>The</strong> Lord of heaven in mercy awaken them in the meantime with the piercing thunder of his sacred and saving word,that they may be happily frighted out of their amazed soulmurderingsloth, before they feel in hell those fearful thingswe so faithfully forewarn them ofTo rouse them out of this cruel carnal security, let thementertain in their most serious thoughts such c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong>sas these : C<strong>on</strong>sider,1. Why thou camest into this world. <strong>The</strong>re is not somuch as <strong>on</strong>e age past since thou layest hid in the loathedstate of being nothing. Above five thousand years wereg<strong>on</strong>e after the creati<strong>on</strong> before there was any news of thee atall ; and thou mightest never have been. God hath n<strong>on</strong>eed of thee : he gave thee a being <strong>on</strong>ly out of his ownmere bounty. Infinite milli<strong>on</strong>s shall never be, which mighthave been as well as thou. God's omnipotency is equallyable and active to have produced them as thee ; and noparts of that vast abyss of nothing can possibly make anyresistance to al mightiness. And besides being so, that thoumust needs have a being, there is not any creature that everissued out of the hands of God, but thou mightest havebeen that, either for the kind or for the particular. All is<strong>on</strong>e to him, to make an angel or an ant ; to create thebrightest cherub or the most c<strong>on</strong>temptible fly ; for in everycreati<strong>on</strong> no less than omnipotency must needs be the efficient,and no more than nothius: is ever the object. Now what amiraculous mercy was this, that passing by such an unnumberedvariety of incomparably inferior creatures, he shouldmake thee an everlasting soul like an angel of God, capableof grace and immortality, of incorporati<strong>on</strong> into Christ, andfruiti<strong>on</strong> of Jehovah himself, blessed for ever !Nay, and yet further, though thou wast to have thebeing of a reas<strong>on</strong>able creature, yet there was not an hourfrom the first moment of time unto the world's end, hut Godmight have allotted that to thee for thy coming into thisworld ; and therefore thy time might have been within thecompass of all those four thousand years, or thereabouts.

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